We are looking for members to form a large gaming social network of members who would like to play both socially and competitively. Our members are like minded gamers who want to relax after a hard days work and play some Destiny
Exile Gaming founded by "Phoenix" in 2014, a Co-Leader of a PC gaming clan the [url=http://www.onezero1.co.uk]101st[/url] which was established in 1999.
Our clan page: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/130650
[b]What Exile Gaming can offer:[/b]
Casual, fun gaming for everyone
No high expectations, play Destiny when you have the time
Competitive play
Planned raids each week
Mature and friendly gaming experience
[b]What we expect:[/b]
Like this post, it helps us gain momentum and recognition :)
Play when you can and enjoy gaming
Take part in raids
Share your gaming experience by sharing videos and picture
Must be 16+
[b]What we look to achieve:[/b]
To build a team of like minded gamers who want to have fun without the traditional hassle or rigid commitment of clan gaming.
Achieve a members base of 20+
Create a network of friends and fun environment, whether in game or on chat
[b]To join our clan[/b]
Go to http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/130650 and apply
Please feel free to add me on PSN PH0EN1X84
We have setup a recruitment post over at PSN you can find it here http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/Destiny/Exile-Gaming-Recruiting/td-p/22305673 We are looking to setup a raid party and some strike partys today if you would like to join us please send an invite to the clan http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/130650 .