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Edited by CheckForAPulse: 9/27/2014 11:37:12 AM
In a way this is totally illogical. If you can already perform with what you have, you clearly need the gear rewards much less than the people who aren't as skilled and cant perform as well. This reward system serves as nothing other than a way to potentially close the skill gap. If only the people who top teams are rewarded, the skill gap widens and the people who are already getting stomped, just get stomped harder and harder until they eventually crack and just stop playing altogether. The developers never said "we will reward you only for performing well" its merely just a reward for playing, period. They also dont get the sense of enjoyment the people who do well have the priviledge of, in having a decent score or KDR. Put yourself in their shoes, everyone has been there at some stage, and it's hard to stay motivated to play when you just get destroyed round after round. It would be more so if the people already stomping you get rewarded, so they can just stomp you much more efficiently. Idlers on the other hand though, should have an option in the report player dialogue especially for them, and should be dealt with accordingly. A quick check of their play history would make it easy to ascertain whether they have a history of doing it or not. They are the plague of the playerbase, and should be dealt with or removed from it accordingly.

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  • First thanks for taking the time to type all that and express your opinion. I see what you're saying, but I still don't agree… fully. There is an entire PVE part if this game that allows you to get gear as well. I'm not that great in the crucible. I get my desired weapon by doing PVE and then bring it in the crucible. Also, your gear only plays a part in the crucible by the stats modifiers on it, not its defense. Remember a level 11 can come in and compete with level 20+. I've literally been demolished by lower levels because they were more skilled. They obviously weren't using exotics. I understand the economics of sustaining your player base. This was only my expressed opinion, and not necessarily what I think Bungie should do. Although they are free to use any of my ideas as they see fit.

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  • now here is where i am says lvl advantages disabled.i have been stomped by a lvl 6 at lvl 20.but when i take my lvl 7 hunter in pvp the damage numbers come up sayin 11per hit.not understanding how lvl advantages can even be disabled.if you have exotic lvl 20 gear and i have a lvl 7 gun and armor how would i even touch you lol meh i will just lvl her to 20ish and live with it lol

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  • Using your logic, the world becomes like in the story Harrison Bergeron. Look it up and read it. No one can be truly "equal". Only treated equally inspire of or despite their differences. That being said, people should be rewarded for hard work/skill; otherwise society becomes despotic.

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  • This isnt society though. It's a video game, which is developed with the intention of being an escape from peoples actual lives, and for as many people as possible to derive some form of enjoyment from it. Also, without the casuals who make up the majority of the playerbase, the game would never survive long-term anyway. While i realise there is no such thing as total equality, closing the skill gap (at least a bit) for the casuals to at least derive some form of enjoyment by being able to actually maybe kill people every now and then throughout their stompings, and by being rewarded every now and then is a completely fair trade-off.

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  • I could get that, if they did t try and cram down the the multiplayer is [b]competitive[/b]. That means it is a competition. I.e the Winners get something, the losers don't. This mechanic is not conducive to a competitive atmosphere and Bungie cannot continually get the best of both worlds by claiming it is to be "fair" and it's "competitive". Two things while not mutually exclusive, can overlap. I.e fair in this case means skill wins the competition instead of fair as in there is a 50-50 chance either side wins.

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  • But it actually is both. Both sides of the spectrum have a chance at being rewarded for playing. While at the same time, the more skilled actually win, which is rewarding in itself.

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