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Edited by CheckForAPulse: 9/27/2014 11:37:12 AM
In a way this is totally illogical. If you can already perform with what you have, you clearly need the gear rewards much less than the people who aren't as skilled and cant perform as well. This reward system serves as nothing other than a way to potentially close the skill gap. If only the people who top teams are rewarded, the skill gap widens and the people who are already getting stomped, just get stomped harder and harder until they eventually crack and just stop playing altogether. The developers never said "we will reward you only for performing well" its merely just a reward for playing, period. They also dont get the sense of enjoyment the people who do well have the priviledge of, in having a decent score or KDR. Put yourself in their shoes, everyone has been there at some stage, and it's hard to stay motivated to play when you just get destroyed round after round. It would be more so if the people already stomping you get rewarded, so they can just stomp you much more efficiently. Idlers on the other hand though, should have an option in the report player dialogue especially for them, and should be dealt with accordingly. A quick check of their play history would make it easy to ascertain whether they have a history of doing it or not. They are the plague of the playerbase, and should be dealt with or removed from it accordingly.

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