Good afternoon viewers and welcome to the 2nd Special Saturday Edition of the O’Blony Factor. Let’s get going with our top stories for the week:
- Our glorious weed and booty overlord Camnator had recently returned for a brief time. Upon his return, the streets were filled with many happy people as the short return of the booty touched their hearts and filled everyone with smiles. It is unknown if he will truly return his take his throne once more as King of the Booty.
- The Flood managed to stop a suicide attempt by a newfoman by the name of Rain earlier this week. This was a 2nd attempt as the #Offtopic member had made previous attempt earlier last week. Thankfully, Rain has stated that he will be going to a see professional.
- The 2nd Gaming Crusade this week ended in tragic failure do to the overwhelming amount of raid threads pouring into the #Gaming forum as well as the lack of participants for the 2nd Crusade. I hope to make up for that with a 3rd and final Crusade to leave The Gaming Crusaders on a high note. I hope you all consider joining us for one last Crusade.
- On a lighter note, lobe is in the air as dozens and dozens of Floodian couples are all getting married this week by our very special priest, joolii. There have been many celebrations and drunk 12 year olds running around as people continue to take part in the wonderful sacrament of matrimony.
It seems our time has come to a close. Here is a special word of the week that could be used to describe some people at weddings or even bars: bibble. Farewell and have a good week. Ble, ble, ble, that’s all folks!
I've returned! And Frank left…
You never mentioned my baby [spoiler]You said you would.[/spoiler]
Camnator returned while I was gone? MOTHERFUUUUUU-
I'm glad to see you guys are still fighting the war in #gaming. I'm glad I started that.
ooh ooh have you mentioned me yet
Edited by Fartmonkey: 9/27/2014 6:14:26 PMGod damn 12 year olds getting drunk in the street. I saw this 12 year old -blam!-ing the chapel...I had to join em
You fail to mention my altercation with Rain
Edited by xRADIOACT1V3x: 9/28/2014 2:24:39 AMGoddamn drunk 12 yr olds. They ran up to me and stabbed me and said they got a 360 tommahawk... [spoiler]as a side note I thought you didint post today cause I didint see it on the forums lel. I was like "wait Whut?"[/spoiler]
*sets up cookie stand* Maybe business will take off with these crazy 12 year olds running around! *waiting intensifies*
Blony, You forgot to mention I created Lobing
[quote]12 year olds getting drunk in the streets[/quote] My sides are astronomically screwed
Flood News