If u still need one add me 27 hunter GT: RaknbowDuck43
I'm game if u still need someone. I'm lvl 25 sun singer so I'm a little low but I have ice breaker so I could just run support. my gamer tag is same as username. I'm generally only on during the weekend though
Still have room lvl 28 titan
I'll play
Level 26 warlock
26 warlock xXHuMaNFLYXx
27 hunter add darkenedtoxen
I'm a level 25 warlock my gamer tag is ShakeNBake6479
Lvl 27 titan willing to do raid SeiZe Eos
Panikbragg lvl 27 Titan
Add me. 25 Warlock GT DREADtheCHICKEN