The whole experience is extremely unique and awesome and brings me back to the first few games on consoles like playstation and dreamcast when they first came out and well.... i have no problem with going OG and kicking ass and taking names but when it comes to the final boss and certain other parts of the raid...
How do it put this.
The raid is a piece of shit, just at certain points because well.... It glitches so -blam!-ing hard sometimes and it pisses me off when i have the portal team setup and only two or one of them gets sent through or when the harpies just freeze up and i cant kill them. That shit is ridiculous, as if the vault wasn't hard enough already we have to deal with garbage ass glitches that ruin all the hard work we put in for hours at a time... I'm mostly just upset at the final boss part, i mean there are so many components that go into play and the game ruins it for us as if having to worry about 5 other people correctly filling their role wasn't enough.
I really wish the guys at Bungie would address this and not the petty things we don't need the game to be any easier, just fix the glitches and little things that ruin the game, if these people cant finish the vault it's simply because they don't have the right equipment nor skill set to complete it.
What do you guys think? am i wrong for feeling the way i feel?
I wouldn't know yet ... haven't gotten past the pressure plates because the praetorians. with a 6 man team all 26 and 27's ... mostly legendary equips ... they still wipe us out in 2 hits and leaving the plates resets them. ... the raid is tough which I like ... but the praetorians need weakened just a little.
I ran into that problem a few times yesterday. Handful of times only 2 people ported or the praetorian would run up to the pressure plate and would freeze and could not be killed