[quote]I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?[/quote] think you need to improve your titan skills I always see titans in my matches going around wrecking people with their one hit kill melee attack (not fist of havoc) that's just them using their melee all depends on the person and their skills with the titan. Also know that the fist of havoc can go through walls
One hit what drugs are you on?
One shot? Really? I played as warlock in beta, but now I play as Titan defender. Although it does take away a good amount of health, meaning shields, it doesn't instakill. At least not for me. Although there is only about half health left.
He's talking about the shoulder charge for strikers. It's a one hit kill ability
[quote]One shot? Really? I played as warlock in beta, but now I play as Titan defender. Although it does take away a good amount of health, meaning shields, it doesn't instakill. At least not for me. Although there is only about half health left.[/quote] only as striker the storm fist run to charge it then smack them into next year