So, information about cut content have been leaked and users on Neogaf have posted this.
Apperently a persons game glitched and allowed him to see all the content as locked, including the content we're not "allowed" to see yet. Like the DLC missions, Strikes and Raids.
I quote:
[quote]The first DLC will include 4-5 missions, 2 strikes(one on earth, one on Mars), 1 raid(on Moon) and 3 crucible maps.
Second DLC there is less details but I assume again 4-5 missions, 2 strikes, and 1 raid(which takes place in the reef)[/quote]
Where all of this is on disc but have to be unlocked by buying the Season Pass/DLC.
So, there you have your proof. Bungie have cut content from the game and locked it for us to make us buy their Season Pass.
In my opinion that is a very cheap move.
Opinions/Further discussions?
Please bump this thread as much as you can to spread the truth.
Further proof that most of the DLC is already on Disc. (From Neogaf)
[quote]Originally Posted by HykCraft
Sorry if this was already posted... but here you go:
Expansion II is only 9.5 MB[/quote]
Link is working again
Picture of it if it would go down again:
KICHZY posted a interesting video:
To the people defending this.
How are you okay with this kind of stuff? Content being on the disc that you [b]bought[/b] but can't use because they will sell it to you [i]again[/i] in the Expansion Pass.
This content should/already is in the game but is locked.
People saying we're jumping to conclusions, that these areas are not even close to being finished and all that.
Thing is.
Since the areas are already there(some with enemies) they could have easily have included them in the game.
These areas were already in as far back as the alpha. Which means they had plenty of time to actually finish it all. (If they aren't already finished and Bungie are just waiting to release the rest of it to the people with the expansion pass)
These missions and areas should/could have been in the final game but were most likely cut to be sold later as DLC.
The areas already in the game proves this by showing us areas that are locked where they probably later only will unlock the missions for those areas. As stated in Edit1 "Expansion II is only 9.5 MB" which most likely is just a "key" to unlock the on disc "DLC".
Looking at the lack of content Destiny have right now it could have used this content on release instead.
Seeing that this thread now have about 380 replies(and still going) where the majority are either upset or angry at Bungie for doing this thing, maybe Bungie should address this in an official blog post and update us on how it actually is.
Is this DLC content on disc which needs a bought "key" aka expansion pass or will this later be released for free like the Iron banner and Queen's Wrath events?
Bungie, take a look at your fanbase/community, more than half of them are disappointed in the way you're doing business with Destiny.
A reddit post going over everything that changed with Destiny over the last year:
Same post but on
It goes through everything that was in the game before release but later on got taken out for DLC or removed completely.
The Xbox Expansion Pass link is up again:
I have a picture too:
lavaman2302 posted a link to the ps store showing us the same explansion.
[quote]Also check this out!/en-us/games/addons/destiny-expansion-i-the-dark-below/cid=UP0002-BLUS31181_00-DESTINYEXPNPACK1?emcid=ps-ga-872&utm_medium=Paid_Search_{ps}&utm_campaign=Games&utm_source=Google&utm_term=ps-ga-872&utm_content=Brand[/quote]
Pictures of it:
It says 6.9 MB on there. Also a very small download. Most likely a "key".
They promise us "New Story and Cooperative Areas to explore" but we all know those areas aren't actually new lol
Plenty of people have already been in them.
Quote from Neogaf worth reading:
[quote][quote]I highly doubt the devs just cut complete shit out to sell later.[/quote]
And that's probably what they want you to think. You'd be surprised what kind of crap they'd spin. Cutting content out of a game and then randomly blasting it into the market in pieces as DLC is profitable, so they'll do it. It's easy for them.
We have no evidence to suggest they aren't doing this. I'm much more inclined to say this is exactly what they're doing based on what we're seeing.
Thank god I didn't buy into this game. Pulled out last year when i realised what they were saying and what they were showing just didn't match. The $500m gave me a good laugh though. What a waste.
But hats down to Activision, it all worked perfectly. Expect other companies to follow this trend. The future is bright![/quote]
wazzanut wrote a reply worth reading:
[quote]Its like paying to get into Disneyland and then being told you have to pay extra to ride the best rides. People who dont complain about this place less value in money and self respect. I like the idea of releasing content over time to help keep things fresh but theres hardly a main body to this game, it feels like an empty introduction to an empty world. Its like halo leftovers and its starting to smell funny... Repeating missions over and over should be proof enough to the lack of content, its been a while since i felt a little screwed over by a game.[/quote]
Another area have been found, now by Nowise10:
As you can see it is everything is done in this one as well. All Bungie have to do is release the mission files and that's the DLC for ya.
Note that Nowise10 states that this is the 2015 DLC mission.
I mean, a 2015 DLC that already exist in the game. That is pure cheapness.
So, the area Nowise10 found a way into have been in the game for quite some time.
This is a screenshot from a trailer released on E3 this year in June.
Would you look at that?
So this area have been in there since atleast E3...
Another finished looking DLC area on disc have been found:
Now a strike in the Black Garden area.
As you can see it is a big area where you can't go because of this big energy wall, but with a sparrow you can go through it and enter the DLC area.
Another DLC area found by Corbman.
This is the Traitor's Ketch mission in the 2015 DLC.
Is you can see, everything is working as it should, it just needs enemies.
Once again, a new DLC area found by Corbman.
This is the area for the raid on the moon.
Confirming that this also is on disc and only needs enemies to be added.
I know no one cares anymore so I will probably stop updating this now. Since, I don't really care anymore myself.
I've given up on Destiny and will move on to better games.
Just because it is on the disc doesn't mean it is ready. The things on the disc are placeholders for content. You can tell that it isn't even complete yet because some things are even missing
THIS JUST IN! BLIZZARD CUTS CONTENT FROM WoW SINCE LAUNCH OF VANILLA! There was also a map location that you could glitch into that GUESS WHAT! WAS FUTURE EXPANSION CONTENT! Just like many other places. and no one cared back then, they found it neat and interesting and knew that it would be future content they would have to pay for on top of paying $15 a month.
None of this is on the disc... It is part of the game world, yes. We connect to a server to play. Every MMO has under-construction areas. Places you could glitch into and not find anything. That does not mean it is physically on your disc. If this were on the disc then you could access it offline, which, no one has done yet. Stop spreading misinformation.
You know why this ship happens? Cause it is all about the money for the companies. First DLC comes out in dec of course the content was already done and waiting. Not gonna change a thing they all do this. I remember when u paid 60 for BattleField and got every damn thing they made for the game. Not anymore all about the money now
I wonder if anyone could figure out how to unlock those areas and find out. If it truly is just a "key" it seems some genious could hack his console into thinking the expansion has been released early and go solo those missions. Is this possible?
Bungie needs to address what happen to the game
Please respond DeeJ!
Man these threads need to die. If you don't like the game or feel cheated stop playing and posting. Go trade in your game and move on. No reason to continue bashing the game and those that enjoy it. If you enjoy the game stop trying to defend it and just play. These threads are so pointless. I understand this is where people can voice themselves and that's cool. But some of this just goes on and on. We've heard all the arguments both ways. Enough has been said. Make your decision and run with it.
A recent post by Deej states that the full content for the dark below (the first expansion pass) has not yet been finished. This may however simply be a defence due to the way said post appeared slightly after this I belive. I am not stating an opinion, infact, merely adding fuel to the fires. And now we wait, for one does not simply walk into such a post and not hope to leave unscathed.
IBM sells mainframes and severs with locked processors. Physical hardware that are in the box you own, but locked until you pay for additional processor licenses. It is ok for hardware because it saves the need for modification and or replacement by technicians and admins, risking error. An unlock in firmware is simple and clean. Not the same thing for On Disc DLC though. The deal with dlc is more like, oh it's easier to cut out existing content and resell later than to create new content. It also lets them spread out the sales over time to keep up a player base.
Well the game was worth the money so i happy but its still sad they're doing this
Have a whinge mate. DLC is common place these days. This game is an mmo, which are supported for years after release with paid additions. If you dont like it then dont play. Simple.
You knew there would be DLC... so what's the problem here? Did you expect them to make this much new content in 3 months? Are you serious? Also, how do you know these aren't just placeholders and they're still finalizing the DLC? You can't make accusations like this based on assumptions...
Some more stuff from reddit: [quote]I can confirm that there were sudden and abrupt changes in the development of Destiny less than a year ago. There was tension between higher ups the entire time we were developing the title due to a lack of cohesion about the vision for the game. One side wanted this huge space epic, like an MMO Mass Effect and the other side was not convinced that would sell and wanted to pare things back to more "easily accessible" standards. They were afraid too much story elements and cut scenes would drive players off. Then Joe left and everything just fell apart. By the time we were 7 months out to release, word came down that we were making massive revisions to the game's story. Huge portions of dialogue were excised and I think several recordings were redone to support the new narrative. Entire areas that would have been in the final game were removed, but some of the context wasn't, which explains weird reactions from NPCs and strange, unexplained motivations. We had a guy come in to write the grimoire cards who was given access to the original script with notations on what was cut and what needed to be revised in order to make this zombie of a game seem plausible. All of the Last City factions had their storylines and dialogue cut, the Guardian's initial introduction to the Tower and the Last City was cut, and ALL the origins were homogenized down to the one originally used for Exo characters. Most of what was cut was planned to be re-polished into DLC, but it's all there on the disc. Not all of it is live on the servers, but it's all there on the disc. Some last minute art assets needed to be remade, which is what you'll be downloading. It's an embarrassing disaster and not the game I thought would be published. [/quote] [url=]Link[/url] Damn, if this is true.
They just posted that the dlc isn't complete leading a normal person to believe these are place holders
They told you that you'd have to pay for the DLC before the game came out... it's locked for that reason. They gave you fair warning, and deal with what they gave you, which is way worth the 60$
well, destiny's gameplay was fun for two weeks. then i got bored. the expansions dont seem like they will help with that. oh well. pretty disappointed in what bungie delivered.
The guy says he has no evidence to suggest they cut content. Who's to say they're not placeholders added by a patch after launch ?
Can't you just leave us all alone with these posts. It's getting very annoying to hear you guys flame on Bungie all the time. Can't you find anything more productive to do? Somewhere else? Please?
"You chose to buy this game" I chose to buy the product AS ADVERTISED, this includes all the promotional footage and E3 stuff leading to launch. What I got was not AS ADVERTISED, it was -blam!-ing gutted.
This is just how games these days will be. As long as you people keep paying for it at least.
we are owed some content. it's one thing to ask me to be patient it's another thing to give me a bare minimum game and ask me to pay for anything else that will be added to it. they keep saying this is just the beginning. which is perfectly fine I'll be patient and wait but you shouldn't charge admission price for just the beginning of the game wtf
Edited by RyFry42: 9/29/2014 5:24:04 PMWhichever company decided DLC/season passes was a good idea is a genius. (Grant it an asshole but a smart asshole) I'm sure many of you will remember the huge debate last year on the price of games for next gen consoles. Let's just say.... PEOPLE LOST THEIR COLLECTIVE SHIT! On the thought that games would cost more then 60 dollars. As history has shown us game prices have risen with each new generation of consoles. (On average 30 for n64, 50 Xbox/playstation, 60 360/PS3) games are costing more to develop due to advancements in technology. Its a fact, it has to come from somewhere. Every huge game title will have this locked disk content, it sucks but it's true. These season passes are these companies resolution to the huge backlash of game prices. I guess most don't realize they're paying 100+ for a game over time instead of a flat rate of 60. I don't know about you guys but if I have to pay more I'd rather each game be around 80 and I get the game the developer intended and not a cookie cutter rendition. At the end of the day this is my opinion and thank you for reading. In short... Corporations are buttholes
Edited by Zero the Remnant: 9/29/2014 5:00:21 PMIts funny. I kept telling folks about this and no one believed me. This is why I am a strong supporter of Subscription plans. Why? Because what a lot of companies do is tell folks its Free to Play because so many non-gamers. (Folks who only purchase a yearly FPS/Sports game but never play anything else, read up on gaming, or generally follow gaming) See subscriptions as rip offs. Edit: [We are all gamers. But some of us have more experience with the industry & gaming as a whole. There was no inoffensive way to list those whom do not game frequently/game into multiple genres. Thus some folks only know 25% if the spectrum while others know 50%-100%] Where subscriptions actually pay for server maintenance, and new content. So most free to play games work like this: 1. Sell you the Game. 2. Place a Paywall on Content 3. Release that content on a monthly basis requiring the player to purchase that content to keep advancing. While a subscription service game works like this: 1. Sell you the game 2. Annouce uocoming content/changes. 3. Release monthly patches of new content, fixes, etc free of charge. 4. Annouce the yearly or bi-yearly Expansion. Note: Subscription game expansions are an entirely new disc of content that sometimes modifies an existing bit of content on the current old disc. So in are paying a monthly fee either way. Either through a subscription or higher in price DLC. I dislike it but it cannot be helped. Only poor sales combats it. Ask Capcom. Poor sales of SF4 with disc locked content made then change their tune real quick. And whike Activision may be behind this hidden content. Bungie agreed to it. Both parties are at fault.