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originally posted in: Proof that Bungie cut content
9/28/2014 8:34:14 PM
Unfortunately, people will defend these kind of practices to no end. It's a shame how we're so submissive...

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  • Edited by Fenrir VI: 9/28/2014 10:05:20 PM
    And there will always be the people that jump to the opposite extreme as well, and tinfoil hat everything.

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  • Oh come on... that's a little hyperbolic, don't you think? The opposite extreme?

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  • Of course we will. Because not everyone are tinfoil hat cry babies. Some of us know the [i]real[/i] reasons why developers will leave stuff in the game code, before it's released. [spoiler]It's not so they can charge you later, because greedy company is greedy.[/spoiler]

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  • Eggsactly. Sorry that you are too young or haven't played videogames enough to understand how game developers and their publishing partners work. What the devs want to give us isn't always what they can give us. And yes you are acting like a spoiled entitled little child when you say, "I" paid $60, "I" didn't get what I wanted. I played the beta and this game is exactly how I thought it was going to be.

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  • If that is how you feel then you are submissive by choice. Here is another choice you have. Trade in the game and disappear from the forums. You will not be remembered or cared about.

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  • Man, the fanboy is strong in this one. "Either do what you are told, no matter what, or banish yourself!" Do you give a salute that shows your palm to people after you regurgitate that fascist crap?

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  • Stop Defending

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  • Those of us that enjoy this game understand there are people that are not happy with this game, they post about there whining and entitlement every couple post. We get it , you don't like it . Now what is dysfunctional is people like you refuse to believe that anyone could possibly enjoy playing this game, and anyone who says they like it are just fooling themselves. That shows that you are still a child that lives in a world were only you are right and everybody else is wrong.

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  • I bought a game disc with 20 GB of content on it for 70 bucks. I should be able to access all of that content because I already paid for it. On the back of the destiny game box it tells you exactly what you will be getting. 20 GB of hard drive space required. 20 GB of content. I got less than 4 GB of content and you're wondering why I am a little pissed off?

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  • K cool resorting to petty insults instead of forming a valid argument. Its not entitlement to be upset that part of the game we paid for has been cut off to be resold to us later. Thats dirty business practice. Im not a child. Im not saying that you dont really like the game. Im saying that its becoming increasingly obvious that Bungie shipped an incomplete game and are going to sell the rest as DLC. You cant put a positive spin on that no matter how hard you try. Trust me, im just as much of a Bungie fanboy as you are, but they have taken advantage of our loyalty and screwed us over. Its time to stop defending them. We dont work for them. Let DeeJ justify their lies. He gets paid to do it. Open your eyes dude. We got lied to this time.

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  • Edited by KenFricken: 9/28/2014 10:30:40 PM
    The best part of that is "open your eyes", as if the fact I love playing this game is a lie. It is you who are mad because the world doesn't agree with you. That is a child's view if the world, me me me.

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  • K 2 posts and all you can come up with is "youre a child, child". Enjoy your half of a game. Muted.

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  • The funny thing is I do enjoy it. I enjoy it a lot. If I didn't I would sell it back and gtf off the forums.

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  • Yet all your comments are filled with childish remarks... funny...

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  • Refusal to accept the truth is also a child's response

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  • No, refusal to accept one's opinion as truth, you mean. My god, you're like the Christian of the Destiny world... your truth is the onyl truth and anyone who doesn't see it your way is damned. Dude, seriously, f**k off.

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  • Edited by KenFricken: 9/28/2014 11:26:17 PM
    My way is simple I love this game. And we have heard all you haters over and over with the same lame shit again and again. Trade it in and get the -blam!- off the forums if you don't like the game and let the ones that enjoy it, enjoy it. You will be neither remembered or cared about

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  • Yes yes yes, you already said that. Does saying it again make it more true to you? Please don't give me that palm out salute... it's just wrong.

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  • Your still here. I thought I told you to leave. Your smell of stupid and diapers is stinking up the forums.

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  • Edited by IshihadoX: 9/28/2014 11:36:10 PM
    Ha... the childishness persists. How cute. It's like talking to a drunk 15 year old. Oh... and it's *you're. Not your.

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  • Edited by Toa Axis: 9/28/2014 9:19:17 PM
    What are you talking about? Cutting content from the core game and selling it back as DLC is something that lots of devs do (and we all but it). It's just a shame that Bungie has stooped to that level.

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  • Indeed

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