This video is proof that either activision and/or Bungie has sold us an incomplete game.
If the video has been taken down here is the summary. Some one figured out a way to get into the destiny travel menu in a way where all or some dlc content is revealed .
Why does this matter? Well this proves that the content is already on the disk and is waiting to be unlocked via a purchase of the dlc
There are videos of people actually getting into these areas which rules out the possibility of the mission markers being a place holder.
I love this game but I am sickened by the fact that we have only been given a 3rd of the original project.
This behavior can NOT become normal as fans of bungie and destiny we need to step up and tell them this is NOT OK.
SO PLEASE, I BEG ALL OF YOU AS A FELLOW GUARDIAN , make bungie answer for this crime by trying your best to make #Answerus and or #lies trending in order to possibly get an answer
As far as the DLC goes its actually smarter to preload it to the disc as they already said there would be DLC the first year BEFORE LAUNCH. But In that video that person barely goes over story missions that clearly are not in game, why? Why leave that information out? The only actual story mission he scrolls over is the very first mission where you get revived by the ghost! If content was cut then whatever, EVERY game has cut content that would have been awesome. So far all that video shows is that there's STRIKES that have been preloaded for the DLC, as well as the raids. Until there is a detailed video showing all the missions that we cant do in game right now, I will not complain. But if and when said video appears I'll gladly side with the rest.