This rant just comes from a fan who has seemingly found it hard to exist in the realm of Destiny. When it comes to Destiny I have to say Ive never been more excited for a game, and dont get me wrong, Im still having a blast within the world.The game has completely added something so new to the genre and has for sure gone out to traverse new depths...
...The problem Im finding is the lack of self discovery anymore. Throughout the game you come across such amazing items with such lore, such story you yearn to be apart of. As a Titan reading something so simple as a mark about the six fronts that were held under the Traveler and not one fell is such a self inspiring "I want to follow in the footsteps of my kin" stories. I even remember when I was first brought to the Speaker and told why I was awoken, why I as a Guardian was important to the game. The fight just to earn my ship that I could look back on as a staple of an achievement as a beginner. The first time my ghost was in awe that I could kill a Devil Archon. These things were so monumental to progress you through the game that when you come to the point when you just seem like another player suddenly you dont know what to do. I stared over a city after one of the largest battles through the Black Garden only to find myself hearing the words "I dont have time to tell you the things I dont have time to tell you". My ship leaves and suddenly the universe is back to itself again. It all sounds like a story a drunk warrior would tell you at a bar, "I saved the world, then I was discharged". Now Ive put my time into the gear grind, Ive got my stats up, Ive followed the path that it seems Destiny will only allow you to take. But its not what the game promised. When it comes to Destiny you have a split of players: 40% Halo fans, 40% MMO fans and 20% of people who just thought it was interesting (Screw the math I dont really care, youre smart, hopefully you get the point). When it comes to Halo we originally played because we were Master Chief, it didnt matter that there was another character in the suit, all that mattered was that we were the badass saving the universe, we were wearing the armor, we were important to the story, it drove us. What Destiny has done is latch onto that importance and pull you into its world by believing you were that same badass you use to be. But the outcome is very different from the means. What is now happening is that because there is no more room for that importance you are just converting people who love the story to people who need the gear, need the grind, play just to sit ontop with the best stuff and leer over the competition. Thats not a guardian effort, thats not people in a game competing towards a final resolve. Its an MMO. If thats so then why? Why create such amazing back story if you dont allow us to step into the shoes of our predecessors? I want to be what the legends talk about, the reason Titans, or Warlocks, or Hunters are important to the world. And I understand theres going to be more content, I realize that its been a month, Im not trying to change anything about what people in other positions can do with this game, Im just simply saying to remember where you began with your dream Bungie. With the words "See you starside" promoting us to look towards something that promoted our need for exploration, I just simply hope to continue on that path. One where we as Guardians meant something to the story, not just to each other as a means to collect another bounty, or to rigorously hash out another strike on a mission we've already known well enough about through the "story". Im sure theres going to be a flood of people eager to light me up on this post and if thats the case then feel free, this post wasnt meant for you. But understand I and countless others are story driven people, we enjoy the element of being dropped into a world where we are needed in the outcome. I look forward to continued progress and to know whats next around the corner and will still join all of you in the fight against the darkness...If thats still what we're fighting for.
I agree, but it would be better even if we were not needed alone, but needed as a group. I feel like that feeling is missing. There is no urgency to do a strike, or raid. No matter how many times it is done, it will never change. It feels like we don't make a difference as guardians. Sure some of us are powerful, but none of us even have the powers or strength that the kings who rose after the collapse had. I am also story driven, and I love the gameplay of Destiny, but I was hoping for another beautiful story like Phantom Dust, or the witty AI banter of Phantom Crash. I am hoping for more with the DLC's, but I don't know how much I should hope.