Maybe this is part of free content we are gonna missions and raids. .i remeber reading i think it was forbes mag talking about it..the first dlc they said only had 1 new mission on earth and the rest were on mercury. if that is correct and im not saying it is..then this would be free add on missions like they (bungie) have been saying they would add free if been only out a few weeks maybe next month they will open up and we can have one less crying thread
If you honestly believe that i am so sorry.
No i dont..why i said IF it were true..but i also dont think ita some mass conspiracy agaist gamers. ..and the preveiw i saw at ebgames for first dlc says new planet comming. . But im doing this forum out if boredom right now...seems to many ppl belive its a conspiracy. .maybe u all belive in ufos ( not you personally. .im speaking generally here. .hope u understand the difference)