Love how people just look for ways to hate the game and think they know everything about making a game
baa baa
Right? When I eat an overcooked steak I think to myself "'s not like I can cook a steak properly either!" Then I hand them an extra 34.99 for the horseradish.
Nah man im not saying that im just saying that people look for anything in the game to, and i the biggest fan of the game?? No alot pisses me off but as far as this shit goes? I cant complain yet because i dont have esp and know exactly why the place holders are there.
That makes more sense...but in fairness the way you worded your original comment made it seem that you were criticizing anyone who dislikes the game because they dont know how to make games themselves. (I've seen that argument everywhere on this maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to in what you were trying to say)
Its all good man, its one of the problems of non spoken word haha
Nah man im not saying that im just saying that people look for anything in the game to, and i the biggest fan of the game?? No alot pisses me off but as far as this shit goes? I cant complain yet because i dont have esp and know exactly why the place holders are there.
Maybe it's just that, when a game sucks (or parts of it suck) people have the STONES to go ahead and complain, instead of making feeble excuses for the developers.
Watch out we got a destiny white knight over here
Edited by L’Alx, Respecter of Wood: 9/28/2014 11:10:54 PMWhy don't you make like a tree and -blam!- off
I would but destiny would still be a bigger piece of shit than I could ever hope to make.
Gr8 b8 m8 [spoiler]I know you read it wipe your tears away keyboard hero [/spoiler]