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9/28/2014 11:51:03 PM

This is how I would have done it.

Me too!


Not me.


I would have changed nothing!


Because patrolling and bounties are such a huge part of gameplay, and loot drops are the carrot on the rope that keeps us moving... But they feel so contrived and arbitrary stuffed over and over into the same space as the story missions, with laser-hurling alien space balls dropping the same human machine guns and football helmets as venusian death-bots and lunar zombies. 1. I would have designed the patrols so they took place in procedurally generated, randomized environments, built from the same materials as the story missions on the planet they take place on. Patrols would not have been shared world, as they should be lonely treks unless you put together a team for them. They would have a few randomly placed mission beacons, but those would not respawn, allowing you to explore each patrol, then be finished and take another. This would keep the bounty grind more interesting, and foster a sense of hugeness and exploration. (Frontier my ass, patrolling the cosmodrome already feels more like a trip to the mall, and we're only 3 weeks in.) 2. I would have made weapon and armor types that correspond to the various enemy factions. Auto rifles and hand cannons looted from the vex should be aesthetically (though not functionally) different from those looted from the fallen. Likewise with helmets. This way you can patrol in the places that drop the types of weapons and armor you most like the look and feel of, even though there's no advantage between the ones that shoot bang bang bullets and the ones that shoot pew pew lasers. 3. Facial hair. Because I just can't take a warlock without a goatee seriously. What do you guys think? I'm not saying they should add this in, 'cause it's way too late for that. (Or is it?) But... Seriously... Diablo has been out for almost 20 years. That's plenty of time to take a hint about how to make a single game space feel infinite (or at least much more massive than it actually is). Destiny's design (to me) is making these worlds feel -painfully- closed and finite.

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