And you honestly think they aren't? Seriously man wake up you're getting screwed here
And I think your tin-foil hat is wrapped onto your head too tightly is what I think. I bet you also believe that the moon landings were faked too right, and that 9/11 was an inside job, and the whole world is being secretly run by the Illuminati working toward the New World Order too. All of the people whining/bitching are leaping to conclusions based off absolutely no evidence and asserting their erroneous assumptions and baseless claims as facts, all while calling anyone who dares to disagree with them or uses a shred of logic actually [i]analyze[/i] and [i]look[/i] at the facts a blind fanboy.
Not gonna bother to finish reading that call me crazy but you're looking at proof those BTW aren't the same as this
There's no hard evidence beyond this. Sure, there is a possibility that the content is all there, but until I see someone [i]playing the content before release[/i] they are going to get the benefit of the doubt from me.
Google it the areas are completed with bosses and everything high lvled mobs obviously the story and all the mobs aren't spawning because well they glitched into the area so it didn't properly load
inb4 9/11 was an inside job
Dude bungie obviously made the content that is 100% already on the disk and formed the illuminati! It all makes sense now! /s
Be a sheep this is different we have proof
Sheep is my favorite word, it immediately let's me know when the post isn't worth reading.
9/11 was an inside job
I'm pretty sure it was Hitler and Obama working in concert, with funding from Activision.
Actually no, it was Bush not Obama. He decided he couldn't keep up the act of playing dumb so he staged the whole incident with Hitler and a large group of disgruntled Narwhales which eventually led to his "Retirement". He's now spending his days smoking pot and XBL'ing it up with Michael Jackson, Elvis, and the aforementioned group of Narwhales.