because all the gaps are locked on the disc we all bought.
i love Destiny, but shit like this will make me drop it in a flash if we have to pay for it via "DLC" expansions. add to that the reports of a major overhaul in the final year before launch, the rearranging of the story and characters - the whole "Crow" storyline is gone, and "Crow" is now a completely different character - the Queen's brother, thus why we're left with everything crammed onto Grimoire cards at the last minute, it's all starting to slot into place.
i feel Bungie went into this full-throttle, and someone at the eleventh hour pulled the rug out and forced major changes prior to going gold. it sucks as it's a game i really dig, but i can't just ignore the wealth of missing content at the same time.
I just want to hear a response to it all.
same. i doubt we'll get one though, one that isn't Activision PR spin about a "ten year plan" etc.
Makes me wish I would have waited for a used copy at $15, then the season pass. At least then it'd also be after the loot systems are fixed*.
Edited by P45K: 9/29/2014 9:43:11 AMyeah i do love what we have of Destiny, my previous posts are testament to that, but the redaction and patch-job of certain elements not scrapped entirely or held back intentionally to sell us as DLC is what irks me. we were sold one thing and given another, unless we pay more, of course, but even then half the story and world-building they led us to hope for with pre-launch previews is still gone. i hope they remedy this, as i love the potential of Destiny as a long-term game, but i know they'll just spin it (or deflect any serious questions) knowing half the fan-base will just keep suckling and making up excuses for glaring flaws. i know there's more to Destiny than what we have today, i just wish it wasn't removed because of either internal conflict with studio or publisher or simply to milk more cash from the fanbase.