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Edited by Retribution: 9/29/2014 12:36:15 PM

Striker Titan's Storm Fist Melee is lacking (too reliant on chance)

The Striker's Storm Fist has, by far the weakest talents in the game when compared to other classes and the Defender Titan. Here are the Striker's Melee talents: Overload: Storm Fist has a CHANCE to immediately reset its cooldown. Discharge: Storm Fist has a CHANCE to cause an AOE around target. Amplify: KILLS with Storm Fist reduce cooldown on Fist of Havoc. When compared to the Titan's Defender's melee talents and the other classes melee talents these are very lack luster. Why you may ask? Because they are mainly CHANCE related. Amplify is the only talent that GUARANTEES results, HOWEVER you need to get the KILL. Which requires the target to be weakened to secure a kill. Also worth noting the Storm Fist effect triggers on the FIRST Melee strike which mean unless you have weakened the target Amplify won't take effect. Compared to the Defender Melee talents which give the Titan Force Barrier and one of the following effects: Faster movement & Reloads, melee kills create orbs, or continual recharge of Force Barriers effects until it expires. Also note the Force Barrier only triggers AFTER A KILL with melees, so you don't have to weaken the enemy before the melee. The Hunters Melee: -Throwing knife which can: extend golden guns timer, deal solar damage over time or instantly regenerate with precision kills. Note that all of these effects are guaranteed assuming you land the throwing knife correctly. There are no CHANCE effects. -Blink Strike: Backstab with increased damage, invisibility with a successful HIT, or reduced cooldown. Note that these are not CHANCE related either and one only requires a single HIT. The Warlocks Melee: -Energy Drain: Simply damaging an enemy will grant increased movement and reload speeds. Then the next two require a kill, HOWEVER can be chained with the super & grenades using Embrace the Void. These being killing enemies with energy drain can either return health or reduce cooldown on Nova bomb. -Scorch: Damaging reduces incoming damage for a short time (only requires a HIT), hitting an enemy knocks them back, then killing an enemy causes them to explode. Scorch can Combo nicely with Viking Funeral making kills with the Melee more likely. Essentially what I am getting at is for a class with the Description of "At close quaters a fist is better than any gun" the melee given is lacking. Especially when compared to the utility of other classes. Most of which only require a simple HIT on the opponent or in the case of the Warlock the Melee ties in with other effects nicely. The Strikers Melee talents are all largely based on chance or needing to secure a kill with Storm Fist. In crucible Storm Fist is at it's worst when in melee battles. Guardians require two melee strikes to dispose of and the Striker blows the Storm Fist effect on the first hit and it's effects do nothing and it still requires a follow up hit. What I would like to be done. These are my suggestions for each talent: -Overload: Needs to be scrapped all together and replaced with something else. Or if kept increase the chance of reset. -Discharge: Would be fine with the CHANCE element removed. -Amplify: Is decent in it's current state. It just requires playing smart. The Striker Titan is supposed to be scary when they are in melee range, but their Melee Storm fist is currently a bit of a joke with it's effects and the fact that they are entirely dependent on if Zeus is feeling good that day and wants you to smite people with arc energy (AKA. CHANCE) Please note this thread has nothing to do with Shoulder Charge. Also for people complaining about shoulder Charge there is an easy counter. Shotgun. Alternatively distance is your friend.

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  • Why did we titians get no love, its as if bungie wanted everyone who picked it to quickly switch to something else. Overload, overload what? a normal punch attack, maybe if it did something it would matter .Discharge, the only reason this is chancy is to keep storm fist from being useful and disappoint anyone that tries using when they need it Amplify, Thyarius said it best so i do not need to say any more. [quote]"At close quarters a fist is better then any gun." Striker Titans charge into close combat, armored in Light and wielding fistfuls of thunder[/quote] so much for those thunder charged fist.

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