Way to get hostile from a single question.
No one ever glitched into locked areas in any of those games there is no proof of this and you surely will not provide any.
oh btw theres a wiki for games with disc locked content .... http://disclockedcontent.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_games_with_on-disc_DLC enjoy dumbass.
You know what two things are funny? 1. I never said that there was no games that have done this before. I merely asked you to list which as I wasn't aware of them and wanted to know since obviously this is the first game I have played with this and that list proves it as I haven't touched any of those games. 2. None of the ones you mentioned before are on that list.
if you read that as hostile ...i feel for you , life is gonna be rough for you bud, you can google it yourself bud im on bungie to talk about destiny not feed crybabies proof that other games have done the same crap , if you think this is the only game with dlc content pre loaded , then continue on.
Great comeback. I am sure my over half a decade experience deployed in the middle east will be enough to carry me through. Anyways, "cry babies" on here apparently are the only ones making valid arguments since no other AAA game that I have heard of in the past decade has been shipped and sold alone by faith of a previous title (Halo). This game shipped missing tons of features we were promised and on top of that locked content easily glitched into since the Alpha which shuts down any type of argument that it is "unfinished". Everyone on these forums love to trash on CoD but just give it until the next game Activision and Bungie will make Destiny a worse turd than CoD which I am sure you shall gladly ingest.