Hey guy and girls after many attemps in try to do this mission to aquire the thorn from my exotic bounty I have failed and would really like some help
I need this one too... but won't be able to until tonight.
Ok guys cheers for the replys I will be on later today and will add you all when I get on ...
you need 2 people to fights knights and wizards 1 to stay in room with stricker so that when you go down you can respawn
I need the final part for my thorn also. I'll help my psn is Drheywoodjblome
I can help, I'm needing the bounty too. Psn ShadowH271
I'm a level 29 titan PSN Cassiuss_clayy Join super smash guardians http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/152599 for tips,tricks and easy match making in any game type we have 35 active members right now Only thing needed is a microphone!