Sorry to break it to ya buddy. ATM, you can't reach level 30 with out raid gear. To raid you are going to need several hours to work on each part of the event. If you have a hard time grinding out one coin, then raiding is near impossiable. Send the wife and kids out for a weekeend, that should fix it...
[quote]To raid you are going to need several hours to work on each part of the event.[/quote] False. I did VoG for the first time last week--took an hour to clear the whole thing (and that was with 3 attempts for Atheon). There are plenty of people who have cleared in the same time or significantly faster because they one-shotted everything. It's not [i]your[/i] experience that matters, its the raid leader & relic holder's that matters.
the raid only takes a long time your first time completing it. it took us under 2 hours the second time we did it (and that was with 2 lvl 25's) Once you know what you are doing, it's not hard at all. Not to mention, you can save your progress in the raid... meanign you don't have to do it all in one sitting