Mkay cave boy.... Thing is...... They could have at least made the retail version of the game a decent game. The game was not worth $60 bucks when compared to the three year old skyrim. Skyrim had had dlc. You don't see bethesda releasing hardly even half of their game like destiny... Another thing you don't realize is bungie was more than likely "forced" to take out this content. So... If your okay with the fact that they took out content which was originally intended for the full game release then you truly are living in the cave and should truly consider getting out !
I dont live in a cave. I live in a dorm room in a small town where I go to class daily and in my spare time enjoy the destiny I payed $60 for. Your entitled to your own view of the game, if you dont like it im not going to try to convince you otherwise. That wasn't my purpose. Rage all you want and let this video game fuel the fire of angst in you because it didnt live up to your expectations. I could care less my dude. Sometimes life shits on you and some people see it that way and others dont.
There should be a fine line between what should be included in the retail game and what's added later for purchase.. I certainly feel that line was crossed and part of the retail game hopped its happy little butt to the wrong side of that line.
Na I honestly am one of the few people that expected destiny to suck. And I don't mean it would live up to expectations I knew it would suck. After playing the alpha then beta I knew it would. When the game finally came out I was like whatever about it and the only reason I got it was because a lot of my friends were getting it. It actually wasn't a bad game... At first... Then when I finally decided the game wasn't bad that was the peak. I had realized destiny was hardly a full game. It has soooooop much potential and if bungie would have added some common things people are talking about then I guarantee tons more would absolutely love the gam and reviews would change but nope.... It will never live up to its potential at this rate.... Btw living in a cave is metaphorical for allegory of the cave. Look it up and you'll understand what I mean your living in a cave.
I understand what you meant. Like I said, some games arent for everyone.
Lol...... I still like thee game..... But I hate playing and feeling like they could have done sooo much more. You honestly don't feel like they could have added anything at all?
Of course. Most games could. I was quite angered but the fact there's only 4 planets. But I still play with my friends and find my time enjoying the game outweighs my time loathing it.