Its funny. I kept telling folks about this and no one believed me.
This is why I am a strong supporter of Subscription plans.
Because what a lot of companies do is tell folks its Free to Play because so many non-gamers.
(Folks who only purchase a yearly FPS/Sports game but never play anything else, read up on gaming, or generally follow gaming)
See subscriptions as rip offs.
[We are all gamers. But some of us have more experience with the industry & gaming as a whole.
There was no inoffensive way to list those whom do not game frequently/game into multiple genres.
Thus some folks only know 25% if the spectrum while others know 50%-100%]
Where subscriptions actually pay for server maintenance, and new content.
So most free to play games work like this:
1. Sell you the Game.
2. Place a Paywall on Content
3. Release that content on a monthly basis requiring the player to purchase that content to keep advancing.
While a subscription service game works like this:
1. Sell you the game
2. Annouce uocoming content/changes.
3. Release monthly patches of new content, fixes, etc free of charge.
4. Annouce the yearly or bi-yearly Expansion.
Subscription game expansions are an entirely new disc of content that sometimes modifies an existing bit of content on the current old disc.
So in are paying a monthly fee either way.
Either through a subscription or higher in price DLC.
I dislike it but it cannot be helped.
Only poor sales combats it.
Ask Capcom. Poor sales of SF4 with disc locked content made then change their tune real quick.
And whike Activision may be behind this hidden content.
Bungie agreed to it.
Both parties are at fault.
There would still be whiners under that system.
Yeah. It's impossible to please everyone. I won't go to far as to say: "But you can try." For the sake of conversation & simplicity I will call this an "mmo" even though itbis not one. As Bungie's first MMO. It will have growing pains. Now Bungie will research its publishers more.