So I see the bar posts are getting pretty popular, and I work as a bouncer there but I have some free time so I am gonna try this. I am starting a Floodian Militia, where we shall train to fight the Desticles if you would like to join just leave a comment, everyone is welcome, please contribute any vehicles and weapons you think we can use.
I will post training exercises daily starting tommorow, please join!
VexPortalGlitch: Goku
BiggerMasshole: Rambo
DemonicMonkeyX1: 10000 mentally challenged Spartans
RAIJIN VII: 2001 scarab guns
How can I serve the mother flood
I will use [i]their weapons[/i] against them. Including [Everything, the Zin Empire, the Precursors, Forerunners, and Reaper Indoctrination].
How about officers?
Edited by Soup: 1/28/2015 5:35:45 PM*beginning broadcast* *soothing angelic murmur* Interesting. *end of broadcast*
I'm in.
Hi, can I join? To combat the desticles I have brought a well-written destiny review, it burns their flesh when they touch it.
Edited by DB5: 1/28/2015 4:07:16 PMad-Dawlah al-Floodiyya fil
I was gonna post a picture of a fat neckbeard. But then I found that the URL was too large...[spoiler] kek[/spoiler]
Anything to keep the desticles out huh. Ok I'm in what does I do?
I'll bring 9001 Halo 2 Scarab guns
I contribute Kratos and the gods of Olympus Your welcome Oh and the Power Rangers' megazord
Edited by VIRS: 1/28/2015 4:48:20 AMMy fleet of Fire Proof Space Boats manned by 69,420 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)s will join the fight.
I'll join. I bring my 10,000 mentally challenged spartans. *points* *spartans wave*
Dibs on Rambo.
I'll Join, I have Goku
Bump from a while ago
My body is ready.
Let's get our stab on