So I started a similar post in the feedback section and I was unable to find it with the search function, so I couldnt bump it. I figured I would start a new one here and see if it gets any traction.
Basically what I was thinking is that we need more consumables/buffs for while we are out and about. Buffs to increase loot drops, ammo drops, increase damage or increase defense. you get the idea. I just feel like we have more glimmer than we can really use, and that this could help solve that issue or at least give us a little more to spend our glimmer on. Also it would improve the RPG elements. I was thinking that it would be nice if we could assign quick buttons for the buffs added to the d-pad instead of the gestures or give us the option to have the something useful on the d-pad. What are your thoughts on this?
One last bump and then I'll shut up.