I will keep it short
My hunters not too far along yet but what I have seen so far is hunters are poop in PvE, double jump sucks, and blade dance still wrecks in PvP. havent done gunslinger but i know the deal. triple jump (still worse than glide) and 3 free kills for your Major mobs or a few poor bastards in crucible. and the invis thing sucks, unless youre playing against people with glaucoma.
Played someone elses titan, they seemed decent enough at both. titan strike or whatever is irritating in pvp, kills a ton of shit in pve, and they have the defense bubble thing (in my opinion is just useless and annoying) but still pretty good at both
Warlocks are probably the best class in the game, as both subclasses crush life hard in both pve and pvp.
also vote what you think is best.
Every class is useful in its own way. I prefer moving quickly around the battlefield with my triple jump :D
You my friend are now a certified noob... How old are you? 7?
Those tags doe...
The hunter class is "bad" to you because you use it wrong. You [u]try[/u] to use it as a DPS class, when it is really an ad sweeping class. Its meant for killing smaller enemies. Titans are meant for support. Warlocks are meant for DPS. Doesn't take a genious to be able to grasp these concepts. If you actually used the classes to their purpose, they would all seem OP. Now go back under your bridge little troll. Dinner is over.
Glide is an absolute insult to jumping abilities. Floating around like Mary poppins with no umbrella it's really just a sad thing.
My main is a 32 hunter, I also have a 30 warlock...so far I'm liking my 7 titan more than the warlock.
Yea hunters are boring. I have all the exotic gear, but I barely use my hunter so my gear never gets upgraded. Titan is my main. Had one since the beta and I love it to death.
I like how people just spout off the basics of what classes can and can't do when talking about which ones they [i]personally[/i] are opinionated to liking or not. Nobody ever gets into the nitty gritty of what perk combinations and what armor with what perks and stats they use when using certain subclasses (ie: fine tuning for specific play modes). There's a lot more to classes than just their basic jump and basic super, please don't minimalize any class for what they are unless you've play tested every subclass and min/maxed as much as possible on each.
If u have played a warlock you know what class is the worst......
I've played all 3 and hunters are really uninteresting to me
No class is worst overall.
There is no "worst class", there is only classes that one does not know how to properly use... yet.
where's the Idgaf option?
I like how people with five minutes experience on a character become experts.
I think all are balanced, all have their perks, their own play style, and their own drawbacks. I personally don't think one is more OP than the others. The main thing is knowing which one you feel most comfortable with and how to play with them.
There is no worst class overall. They're designed for different roles. If you think one of them sucks it's because you're trying to play them the same way that you do your main class. Stop using them wrong and you'll see better results.
I swear by Warlock, but where do you get off sayint the Hunter is shit in PvE? Best class for Crota's End (if you know what you're doing), and have you seen someone play the Hunter competently? It's -blam!-ing beautiful. Especially Bladedancers.
Who the hell cares anyway.
I like all of them
I bet nobody noticed the 'soccermoms' tag. I laughed a little more than I should have.
I think most people disagree with you, moron.
titan bubble is legit the best in all of pve except patrol
TL:DR "hunter has the least crutches so it sucks."
Heresy I say!
titan ftw! warlock is my least fave, so much so that i deleted my 32 lock and scrapped his full crota suit and all his exotics
Personal opinion is titan because I just don't like it. All classes have their strengths and weaknesses however.