Were still looking for 2 - 3 people. Were lvl 28 plus. Msg me ItsPeterVenkman
XB1, lvl 27 Warlock, inv me. GT Mtlill
I needed 3 more people for my Raid team if anybody would like to join. 3 level 27's. 1 warlock and 2 hunters. Message Zeiroh if you want to join, or put your Gamertag in the comments
Add me Exiroz
There are 3 of us on xbox one, lvl 28's, two hunters and warlock. never done raid but have ice breaker and many other guns lvl'd up. We are game for doing raid, all have mics, mature, open schedule for 8+ hours of gaming at a time. We learn fast, communicate well and we are looking for the same type of people. add me at Legendary Hob0. that is a zero at the end of Hob0. Thanks
Are you still looking for people
28 hunter. Gt is name.
Level 27 Hunter gunslinger: TOAST assassin
Level 25 Hunter looking for people to play with. Raids / PvP Add me on - Xbox one InFam0us Rag3
Level 25 Hunter looking for people to play with. Raids / PvP Add me on - Xbox one InFam0us Rag3
Hook me up AllMightyBuiX
Vaot4ever Titan 28
Awoken Genius
GT bobasck438 lvl 28 warlock
I'm ready add me rastaxmunkey
Do you know what to do? I will do it if you have done it before gt: EviL GoRiLla98
i'l help you if you help me?