Hello anyone who chooses to read this (i am hoping an admin reads it), im writing this to adress a major problem in the vault of glass loot system. As of today when the weekly reset happened, i have completed the raid 5 times (yes i created a second account to try and farm the raid). In those 5 times i have recieved 3 Atheons epilogues, 4 chatter white shaders, one found verdict, a shit load of ascendant energy and very few ascendant shards. Five times i have done the raid and havent recieve one piece of raid set gear required to level up to 30... NOT ONE! This needs to be adressed that bungie need to get their loot system straight, i have put in over 150 hours into this game and this game alone. As a loyal player i feel completely ripped off that for atleast 20 of those hours i played through this raid and receive zilch, nada, nyet... Why is this?? Why are the most loyal players not recieving anything? My raid team have all done the raid the same amount of times as me, throughout the same time period and yet 2 of them have recieved both raid sets, the blue vex set and the gold vex set. The other 3 team members ranged from recieving 1-3 pieces of gear. Bungie get your shit together or else you will lose more players like me. I suggest sending armour through mail to all those who have not yet recieved this gear and have completed the raid atleast twice. Rant over.
Your not alone, ran it 6 times also, only weapons and materials. No raid gear yet :/