[b]WANTED: Hardcore Lvl 28+ Players to Beat VOG Hard for Vex Mythoclast[/b]
Looking for more hardcore players to actually beat VOG on hard
[u]To be eligible you must[/u]
- Be level 28 or higher
- Have strong weapons (void damage helps against Minotaurs)
- Carry ammo synthesis
- Have the Chatterwhite equipped to prove you already beat normal mode
- Have a working mic to talk to your raid team
- Have time to set aside till the raid is done (several hours)
- Have patience (you will die. a lot)
- Sunsinger Warlocks help with their self revives, so a few of these are mandatory
- Ice Breaker and Golden Gun are great against Oracles (solar damage is their weakness)
- Void Warlocks are great against mobs , and Void Titans are good defense/orb makers
- Bladedancer invisible builds are only useful once for the Gorgon Maze, after that switch to Gunslinger
- Striker is useless here from start to finish, switch to Defender
- Most importantly you must be on PS4 with playstation plus.
Feel free to contact me here in a PM, and if you also want the clan trophy, you can request to join ReClaim Clan
[b]- [i]True Reclaimer [PS4 True_Reclaimer][/i][/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/99100]ReClaim Clan[/url]
[quote]"Rise. Raid. ReClaim." - [url=http://www.reclaimclan.com]ReClaimClan.com[/url][/quote]
id love to play with u psn:onyxak47 hunter level 29 already completed