Yesterday afternoon and evening I received a lot of centipede errors, which stopped showing up later in the night. I played for a few hours, leveled up my warlock to 21, completed bounties, and got some gear. Today I logged in and saw that my progress was completely reset. My warlock is back to level 13, I have all the same bounties again, and my gear/inventory are the same as they were yesterday. My hunter is also missing the exotic helmet that I bought yesterday, although the strange coins are back in my inventory. The thing that especially confuses me is I bought that helmet yesterday morning, which was before I started receiving any errors. Why was my progress reset and can anything be done about it?
Wow I don't know if someone on Bungie saw this and fixed it, but I just checked again 10 minutes after my last login and all the progress is restored. So thanks mysterious Bungie employee or magical Internet!
Anyone at Bungie looking at this stuff? how do submit a trouble ticktet? Lost everything Saturday 9/27/14, I haven't seen anything posted. Tried downloading my xbox profile again (couple Times) did not have any effect. MS support puts this on Bungie. My Brothers profiles are all in tact nothing wrong with them. I started getting network connection errors this past weekend and boom all gone!!!