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9/30/2014 5:43:24 PM

Queens Wrath mission kill orders need to give reputation!

I think her kill orders should give reputation!


No I don't think it needs to change


I have honestly lost all interest in the queens wrath event. At first I wanted to get to rank 3 with her, but after the bounties are just the same ones you do with anything else over and over it became way too repetitive. The only reason I continued to do them was because the purples gave shards to level up my characters which was worth doing the harder missions. Now that the purples no longer give shards, there is literally 0 reason to do the kill order missions. They give no reputation like the strike playlist, some are actually pretty challenging, and you get squat for doing them once you have all the purple gear. In my humble opinion you should also get reputation for doing her kill orders and not just from doing her bounties. Do other people feel the same?

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