Bungie, I'm making this post because it has currently been 60+ hours since your last publication about this issue. We may not be the majority of users and you may not have an ETA, but this is not acceptable. The impacted users for no fault of our own, other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, have been suffering from this issue for almost 5 days. Some of us that have been actively browsing the forums have seen you guys posting in other threads or forums, but choosing not to comment on our situation. It's hard to remain optimistic when you've used words like "Majority" when describing your fixed impacted accounts. I've remained optimistic the past 5 days, but its starting to feel like we may have been left in the dust.
I can understand that you guys may be still reeling from all the backlash, requests and issues that have arisen since launch. However, I feel like you lacked foresight to prepare yourselves to properly provide support and that's part of the reason you're struggling. This has caused the whole experience to be very dissatisfying and a bad reflection on yourselves. I hope to see efforts made to better accommodate those who need support and provide better communication, so that you can avoid similar situations in the future.
I've been having connectivity issues up the wazoo too. I agree that I'm not happy about the status of the servers. But have you ever tried to diagnose issues like this? It's a complete guess and check game, they can't give a reliable estimate of how long it's going to take. I'm not defending them, rather trying to give you a different outlook on the problem. Every ISP is set up differently. Some ISPs choose to block certain ports due to government regulations or their own philosophies. Some devices, such as shapers, which are designed to ease traffic in and out I believe are negatively impacting the game. Every home router is configured differently, each router isn't guaranteed to have a flawless system running on it. Bugs could be anywhere between your connection and theirs. Who knows how many hops they have to pass, and maybe it's an intermittent connection issue, like a bug that is shorting a wire causing some small amount of packet loss, maybe it's as big as the government refuses to allow those ports to be used. I personally believe that you have not been left in the dust, and that you just happened to have the unfortunate chance to have the most inconvenient set up for the way they designed the game. It's not your fault, and it sucks that you have to experience it. It may be that linksys router you have, it may be that d-link switch that is on the shelf you connect to. It takes time to send people to each of these locations to check on things - believe it or not you can't always fix the issue remotely. I would tell you to be patient but I bet you that customer support already told you this. I would agree I wish they had more active community responses. I will leave you with this one note though: when you get to play the game the issues the rest of us have had to deal with will have been worked on for you. The guns will have been changed, the legendary items will give you legendary items, the raid will be up for grabs, hopefully even some more content will be out for you. I know it's not all that great of a thing to know, but good luck in your remaining customer support adventures.