originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
If you have room and can use the mic, feel free to add me on ps3, just put DoD in the invite. I'm usually on for 5 hours after 9:30 pm pst... willing to play any content, it's definitely better in a fireteam :)
See you in game!
I am on central time but always like to help others. PSN is Ihop100.
I don't know that our time zones match up well (CST), but I'll add you just in case I decide to pull an all nighter. ;)
When work goes smooth im usually home about 12 est, this week its been about 330/4. Ill add you for sure tho.
Edited by DangerDee: 10/1/2014 3:34:11 AMI'm also PST, usually on after 8 or 9 pm til midnight. I have ZERO teammates to play with, making this one hard freakin game for me... dustinov is my psn I don't have a mic...am going to get one soon tho!!
Hey, I'm PST as well! Even get on around the same time as you (1130pm-2am). Will send an invite after work. Always need more people and still trying to gather enough guys to do the VoG for the first time. So far I got 3 and if you are willing, you will be 4. Even without that, more people for the daily strikes and weekly strikes are always welcome!