I'm just following the crowd.
I'm gone 2-3 days from the forums and this is what happens. Too much of a single topic.
Because people don't understand.
Should I make an AMA?
I'm 12 and wat is this?
r u masterbait
(·-· ) [spoiler]I almost caused your boat to sink[/spoiler]
Can you push your nuts inside upwards so they're not in your scrotum anymore??
So Axy, how's it going? Get the cameras removed from my house yet? ._.
Things happen.
I don't want to do AMAs I like trying to stand out
Is it easy being a breezy?
Hi Axy
Okay: Why is everyone in #Destiny suddenly doing AMA's? Because of the reddit? Or something more sinister--Ktan?
Can you ask me anything?
I mad bro? [spoiler]Lelelel[/spoiler]
What's ama