originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Okay, so I just found out that a very influential person in my life died on Friday and his funeral is tomorrow @ 10am, which I'd like to go, but here's the kicker. My gf's dad died exactly one year ago tomorrow @ 10am. Wtf?!
So, do I go to the funeral or not? She will be at work tomorrow during the funeral, but I'm scared I'm going to be a mess tomorrow and not be in my right mind if my gf needs my emotional support...
What to do, what to do...
So sorry for your loss. The best thing for you is to go to the funeral and pay respect to a vip in your life. There was a reason why he was so influential in your life & its nothing to do with your gf. As men we need to look to other influential men as our "go to" for wisdom or to just talk. I lost my older brother 5 months ago and he was that person for me. No better way to show how much these kind of people mean to us but to never forget them and the knowledge they instilled in us.
Lots of good stuff here, guys. Thank you!
Edited by bransm: 10/2/2014 12:51:11 AMI'm real sorry for your loss, man.. I think your best bet is to talk to your wife about it. I can understand your hesitation and apprehension, but I think you would forever regret not trying to make it. It's honorable and respectable to want to support your wife in her grieving, especially considering you're thinking of forgoing the funeral for her - and only her - but you've got needs, too. This isn't a decision you should be making on your own. All this being said, she might really need you. She might not be able to focus on work and might want to call or text you throughout the day. Just knowing you're "close" to her in that way could really mean something to her. Either way, you have to make the most informed decision you can. If you don't go, you'll know it's because your wife really needed you. If you do go, you know you had your wife's blessing and won't regret not being home. Regardless of how it works out, I hope the best for you and your wife.
Sorry for your loss I would talk with my partner about the grief you are experiencing in regards to both deaths. If it was truly someone that you felt was influential to you and who you have respect for, I would say go to the funeral nut help your girlfriend deal with her brief after. The support you show for each other leads to a stronger relationship
Sorry for your loss man. I would talk to your gf and discuss what you guys think is best as a couple. I know your focused on being there to support her but remember she will be there to support you too.
Talk to her about it, remember women like when guys are open about there feelings, if she is working then tell her you will love to spend time after both you going to the funeral and her working, maybe go out to dinner or movie, so both of you can have some time together. You need to support each other. Talking about stuff is the key, but remember that you need to be empathetic to her as well as expression of your own grief, tragedy can often bring people closer but can also cause tension, talk with her and both express your feelings, being open with your partner is important in all relationships. Sorry for your loss hope you can work through this.