"This should lead us right to the grave...The world's grave, not ours"
"Uh yea can I get a pepperoni Pizza and a side of breadsticks"
"It's in the walls!"
"I almost forgot, can I get some ranch too? And also, do you guys have those little parmesan cheese packets?"
It's like they had Peter record all of his lines in one day over a phone call. No depth, no enthusiasm, just plain boring voice "acting".
There were a lot of factors that could've contributed. I just don't think the Ghost had that clear of a vision behind its personality. We've seen humorous AI like Wheatley work great, and monotonous AI like Hal 9000 or Kevin Spacey's AI from the highly under/appreciated Moon also turned out well. The Ghost, however comes across with some monotone but just enough occasional sarcasm to be confusing. Not sure if it was the script, Dinklage, or the director, but the Ghost didn't fulfill its potential. I wouldn't say it ruins the game, but it could've been a lot more.