Ask away.
Edit: changed the title
Edit 2: updated title
Edit 3: My knowledge focuses more on the exotics because I feel the legendaries are just carbon copies of each other (except Fatebringer I feel it's perk combination make it an exotic.)
Edit:4 someone revived this thread and the title was no longer accurate.
Edit5: THIS HAS BEEN NECRO BUMPED. Original post date: 11/1/14 . Shoutout to the man that found this
Can u get me a taco
PvE or PvP? Still deciding if I care or not.
What's your stance on renewable energy, and do you think it's a viable investment?
Probably already answered this, but which Exotic hand cannon has the best unique weapon upgrade that matches your playstyle? If situational, give me your supported reasoning for each scenario. Hawkmoon The Last Word Thorn Other
Do you shoot from the hip mostly or use sights?
How high is the China man?
I'm actually waiting for a job interview right now, what sort of tips should I implement to impress my interviewer?
[urlThe Waco Kid - Blazing Saddles [HD]: [/url]
I don't even have the time to ask why i dont even have the time to ask.
what kind of sight do you go for on your hand cannons?
Edited by DeltaJuliet218: 10/2/2014 10:30:45 PMWho else brings a hand cannon to the Crucible?
What does [i]my[/i] scouter say about [b]your [/b]power level?
At what temperature do you find your mother's basement most comfortable?
Canon wise, which is your favorite?, The Story of the owner of "The Last Word" and the gun's canon. Or the story of the owner of "The Thorn" and the gun's canon?
10k hand cannon kills 0 friends
15,270 for me :)
Edited by Joey 14: 10/2/2014 10:29:50 PMHand cannons pop skulls. My favorite by far. Ha! I just checked--I'm also over 10,000 kills with Hand Cannons. 10,284.
Are you a communist?
how does it feel to have no life?
why do you post this? and yes this is my question
virgin yeh ?
The Last Word?
[quote]Ask away.[/quote] What is the fastest way to eat a big mac?
Why you slackin bro?