Ask away.
Edit: changed the title
Edit 2: updated title
Edit 3: My knowledge focuses more on the exotics because I feel the legendaries are just carbon copies of each other (except Fatebringer I feel it's perk combination make it an exotic.)
Edit:4 someone revived this thread and the title was no longer accurate.
Edit5: THIS HAS BEEN NECRO BUMPED. Original post date: 11/1/14 . Shoutout to the man that found this
Y0u ar3 s0 pr0!!!1!1! H0w did u g3t th3 skills t0 d0 tHat?!?!??
I love these AMA posts lol
What is that strange mysterious yellow ball of fire in the sky?
I refuse to equip any primary weapon other than a Hand Cannon on my Hunter, are you proud of me?
Speaking of - where do you find your kills per weapon? I can't find it on the full site OR the app.
Edited by VyperPlus: 10/2/2014 5:59:15 PMWhich hand cannon was your favorite?
Yea the game keeps spawning more enemies for you to shoot. More time=more kills. Liking hand cannons=getting kills with hand cannons. :) I'd say your percentage of precision kills would say more about skill. Mine is like 45% with HCs :/
How many Licks does it take to get too the center of a tootsie pop
How do I masturbate?
Oh yeah I killed 10,000 people with kindness ;)
How hung are you?
Send me some thorn tips my fellow hand cannoneers
Erm, super.
Congrats and I killed 100,000 people with my knife
Nice what gun u use. I got TLW and working on thorn.
I've killed 16k enemies with the hand cannons and have thorn and last word, why would I ask you anything? that is my question
Is your hand cannon a bit sore?
My question is who cares?? Lol
So have I. There should be like a reward for it :)
which one has the most stopping power/Impact...I like to stagger fools when I shoot them in the face...How do you with them in PvP?
do you fire your HC while you fire your HC?
If you didn't do it in the alpha then you are a beta.
Who killed Justin Bieber?
Do you make love to your hand cannon or does it make love to you ? And does it use spit at least ?
Edited by Benjiman: 10/2/2014 5:07:54 PMHow do you know? Cannon user here also. Impressive, by the way