Ask away.
Edit: changed the title
Edit 2: updated title
Edit 3: My knowledge focuses more on the exotics because I feel the legendaries are just carbon copies of each other (except Fatebringer I feel it's perk combination make it an exotic.)
Edit:4 someone revived this thread and the title was no longer accurate.
Edit5: THIS HAS BEEN NECRO BUMPED. Original post date: 11/1/14 . Shoutout to the man that found this
Where does the sun go at night?
I'm your father. Ask ME anything.
When will your life kick in as a top priority?
Unless that's crucible not impressed lol I have more ... :p
Is you gay?
what is the mass of the sun
Whats your precision kill %?
Pizza or Burgers ?
If the universe is everything and the universe is expanding. What exactly is it expanding into?
Hiw do you sight in your scope for the autorifles?
Edited by ValiantVic: 11/2/2014 2:07:22 AMOn a scale of red to yellow, how would you measure the temperature of Vex time and space to calculate exactly how many minutes Atheon prefers his/her/its TV dinners to be microwaved? And how many minutes would that be? Include phonetics and metric measurements in your answer. [b][i]Haha, but seriously...[/i] What's your favorite hand cannon???[/b]
16,000 huh? I've got 26,000 enemies with hand cannon. Come at me bro. [spoiler]Fistbumps for handcannon users though.[/spoiler]
I use to think that I needed The Last Word, but looking at gameplay videos and even at the stats of both on various websites, it would seem that the two guns' rate of fire (which is the main reason I wanted The Last Word.) are the same. And truth be told, I would rather have a DoT than two extra bullets any day of the week. Can you confirm this.
Hawk moon = best
Why'd they kill kenny
Are you gay?
suck my ass?
Shut up meg!! Lmao
How can you check stats for individual weapons? Is it possible on the app? I can only find totals, overall and most used weapon (on the app).
Edited by Me Play Bard: 11/2/2014 3:00:26 AMHow many legendary engrams did you decrypt before getting an exotic?(Xür does not count, must be an engram of any kind) My first legendary engram was actually exotic for a chestplate and it was also my class!:)
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Who was fone?
What are your thoughts on thorn? I just got it today and I've heard a lot of complaining about it
I've killed 73 aliens with my starting rifle. Don't ask me why, Dinklebot wouldn't tell me.
So, do you hipshot a lot with the last word.
What's your favorite scout rifle?