I love star wars and I have the worst reaction time of any human being
I took too much acid
Edited by falconpaanch: 10/30/2014 2:26:33 PMI have a 300zx and it is flawless :P and for this sn I am captain falcon so...yes
Eskimo pie + modern warfare
I made mine out of anger for Activi$ion ruining Destiny
Mine means either "Dark one", "One of darkness", or "One born/existing in darkness" in a language I made a couple years ago. I mean a full language too, with its own dictionary and grammar structure. Took me like 3 years to finish.
Dagda is a Celtic god! Plus I love the sound of it!
Don't really remember. :/
Edited by Anulot: 10/18/2014 4:09:42 PMWell... My favorite soda is DrPepper, but that was taken, so i added my lucky number at the end
Mine is my dj name,
My name is O.J. So my friends call me Thejuiceman.
Used my name, figure it was better than any other dumb thing I could come up with. Unique enough
Because it sounded cool
Because it sounded cool
I'm from San Francisco and I think I'm clever.
Because only one word could possibly incorporate an idea.
I had terrible internet. And I play shooters. Not too much to it.
>mfw someone thinks I'm a destiny rp character
Ex girlfriend suggested it years ago and it stuck until recently.
It's my name
It's a long, long, boring, depressing, cryptic story
The Northwind Highlanders were my favorite mercenary faction in Battletech. Wolves are my favorite animal.
slept with Lisa Ann