its mai reel name
Because Operating from the Ditch is too long. I went with xOFTDx. its a song name from the metal group Animosity
My last name is Llamas, and I play lot of videogames, so it just came to me
My lamb got wedged
I got my gamer tag when I decided to change HeroicPoopstain. I thought of something funny that I could work with and then thought of iAmWeetard
Uhh..... Gaming and racism?
I own this.
Common sense
This is how my name looked when I spelled it while in preschool, my brother called me by it and it stuck.
from the army
I don't know
From ye olde days of F2P MMORPG's
Same as xbox GT. Reel creatives ik
I wanted to match my xbox 360 picture of a panda... And I came up with this
Some friends called me Zulu to fu[b]c[/b]k with me, and it stuck. My birthday is 9/13.
Malazan Book of the Fallen
By typing it in the square [username] then pressing enter[spoiler]*hugs monkey*[/spoiler]
I was eating salad and it tasted salty.
Edited by Nemo: 10/10/2014 3:59:51 AMMegaherz.
My initials and a relevant group of numbers. c:
Got mine from halo CE
Came up with it years ago out of no where.
Got it from the first Hostel movie
Anomaly is my pseudonym that I use mainly for my music and production work