Dearest Bungie,
I write to you, not to rant about the server issues, as I have fortunately not had to many problems with them. I will not even gripe about the hidden, or non existent storyline (when compared to your previous franchise). I write today about a Warlock that, before he found he was awoken from a ghost in the cosmodrone, was pushing many of his friends to join the quest with him. For years he mentioned that Destiny would the greatest game since Bungie's Halo 1.
As the mission went on, I found myself getting less loot than my fellow clanmates, less than randoms I played with. Basically anyone I play with gets more loot than I. I have watched as my friends have gotten exotic bounty after exotic bounty, where I have yet to get one. I have only once gotten a legendary peice out of dropped engrams. MY biggest complaint, is the amount of time I dedicated to getting through the raid, only to receive material and ... Chatterwhite. No good guns, nothing. It took three goes before receiving a legendary Rocket. Can I get a little break? Maybe tell the post master or Xander to hook a brother up? I have not set up multiple characters or anything to bring in extra shards. Nothing of that nature. Just a sole Warlock looking to get better armor drops. One day... One day.
While I may not have run the raid I do feel your pain. That size 25 boot up my back side from the RNG REALLY hurts after a while.
I would kill for chatter white all my armor and shaders look stupid
Seriously though the nerf made legendaries abysmal at least we had a chance before.
Exactly. All of my friends have at least 2 EXOTICS. One is still Level 17. I'm still struggling to get Rares.
Your whole post is basically I'm complaining about all of this but won't say I am.
Exactly what is happening to me. No legendary at all. Same gametime but 2 less exotics on average. I do play less PvP though so perhaps RNG is more rewarding? (Of corse they all "earned " them...