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Edited by Revan Darkside: 11/9/2014 10:43:52 AM

Free DLC/patch to fix story petition

Sorry but I can see this as the only way for Bungie to save this game. We have all paid for what most have come to think of as a Beta of what we thought and were promised. We are then meant to sit around and wait for a Dlc which cost about he same as the game itself. That's meant to make people happy? Now I don't care if you are a Ps fan boy or and Xbox gamer (joke), none of us deserve to have to fork out more money for a full game. So due to this I think we should get a free DLC from Bungie with an apology for selling us a Beta not the full game. This free DLC/patch should redo the story, making it worthy of the people that brought us Halo. Proper cut scenes that tell a true story, maybe even a twist in there. The Awoken queen recognising your race and responding to you appropriately, not just calling you "it". None of that "I'll explain later" rubbish, a real story that gets to your soul. Bungie owe it to themselves to grip us with a real first episode, to a game that is meant to be around for 10 years. If you agree please comment so Bungie/Activison [u]might[/u] take notice. [b]Just to make this clear, I am asking for the story to be fixed. Not multi player maps, guns or anything that shouldn't be in the game we all bought. The story that was cut and we all saw was in the game before the cuts. That can only come as a free DLC or patch, if that's a better word for people. However it has to fix the nonsensical story, that is not what is advertised on the back of the case. Please read the case, "[u]rich cinematic story telling[/u]". That is what we thought we had bought, that is what we should have. Hope that makes things clear for some that think anyone that agrees wants some kind of hand out. As we don't, we just want what we paid for. A story driven game, not a watered down version of what was touted.[/b] I do have theory why the story is so bad and nondescript. My theory is that it was written by deej. You know the guy that gives nondescript answers to every question? That's all I can think of as to why the story is so bad, it's deej's fault. As it can't be Bungie can it? They brought us the original Halo and the emotional Halo Reach, remember the end of that? Truly an amazing ending, Bungie did that. They couldn't of written this Destiny tripe. Seriously watch this.... This is more gripping than the whole of destiny.[b][u] So basically Bungie advertised a roast dinner with all the trimmings and gave us a pot noodle instead.[/u][/b] This links above and below strongly support all I have been saying, please read or you can find it on another feedback page. Deej do you care to comment? Also this from one of the leads of Bungie I personally love the part where he talks about Destiny not being a MMO, it's more of story driven. Edit - changed title as even though I explain what I was asking for, some seem to be confused.

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  • [quote]Sorry but I can see this as the only way for Bungie to save this game. We have all paid for the what most have come to think of as a Beta of what we thought and were promised it was. We are then meant to sit around and wait for a Dlc which cost about he same as the game itself and that's meant to make people happy. Now I don't care if you are a Ps fan boy or and Xbox gamer, none of us deserve to have to fork out more money for a full game. So due to this I think we should get a free DLC from Bungie with an apology for selling us a Beta not the full game. If you agree please comment so Bungie/Activison might take notice. [b]Just to make this clear I am asking for the story to be fixed not multi player maps, guns or anything that shouldn't be in the game we all bought. The story that was cut and we all expected to be in the game itself, that can come as a free DLC or patch if that's a better word for people. However it has to fix the nonsensical story that is not what is advertised on the back of the case. Please read the case, "[u]rich cinematic story telling[/u]" that's what we bought, that is what we should have. Hope that makes thing clear for some that think anyone that agrees wants some kind of hand out. As we don't, we just want what we paid for. A story driven game, not a watered down version of what was touted.[/b][/quote] True! Bungie better give us free content or this game will be boring like it is right now! SAVE DESTINY BUNGIE!!! Plus bungie has already made a great profit off this game so why are they making us pay more!?!?! Lets all just NOT buy the DLC expansions so bungie won't get any more money for this beta of a game!!!

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  • Signed. I 100% agree. I have put a lot of time into this game but am very close to returning. If this somehow happened I would hold onto the game. I would add that if they fixed the immediate story I would be more than happy to pay for paid DLC later.

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    2 Replies
    • Amen

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    • Quit crying.

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      • Totally agree with you . file a class action lawsuit

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      • Agreed I'll sign this petition

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      • I believe that it should be free I mean you really want us to pay for what you promised us the first time come on. This is not cool, the story now is maybe like 15 parts more than in the beta this was not worth $60 bucks. Hate to say it but you let me down Bungie. I use to play Halo and I loved the story but this, just no. :,( please fix it.

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        • Bungie screwed up the release of this game so badly. We all bought into their hype because of their prominence 10+ years ago. They aren't up to the modern challenge of making an engrossing game. They think destiny will be a 10 year game. No chance based on round 1!!

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        • Signed

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        • if i could sum up this games or even this generation in one word its entitled. Everyone thinks they deserve something. You can get your signatures but i promis nothings going to happen becuase of this. This is how it is and how it will be. And you payed money for this game if you want free stuff go and beg your parents for money! Oh and one more thing. You dont have too buy the expansion, no ones shoving it in your face.

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          • Some have already payed for the DLC. So its whatever man. If the game gets better I'll stay if not then I'll move on like I always do.

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          • Edited by rhettro90: 10/9/2014 2:16:17 PM
            How is a actual chunck of story a hand out why does everyone keep saying that just because we want a decent size story for the opener of our game its a hand out i beat the whole story in less that 12 hours i believe in total on the hardeat difficulty i could play it on. It makes no sense at all if anyone took two second to think about the story everyone is think of all the grinding and crucible there doing not hard to spend hours on thats stuff its fun and great but kinda missing the key part to any game a story durr

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          • Signed

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            • It would be nice i agree

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            • So true i feel like im doing nothing but bounties and beating th3 shit story over and over

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            • true dat

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            • Signed. Btw

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            • Yup, the story was crap. But I'm hoping that the story will come together in the next few Destiny's. still no excuse for the vague, poo-poo story.

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            • Can't wait to see people quit cause they will not get this for free. Please do not came back when you do.

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              • Edited by Hollywoodtragedy018: 10/8/2014 6:03:48 PM
                Entitled much?you guys remind me of that guy who orders food doesn't like sends it back then demands free stuff for compensation.

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                • Signed. What about the people who bought the special edition though? They sure wouldn't get reimbursed.

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                  • I agree but people gotta understand they are in this for a plan of ten years. They will give you the fame they promised for @&$; sake it's bungie. Be calm help them help give you a better experience you wanna keep this game going help make it better by playing, and growing with the game. I didn't play wow or anything like that but look how long that's been going and how successful that was.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Love the game and everything about it but i agree story makes me not want to purchase the dlc's cause if there as small as this story ill be paying a 120 bucks for half a game so i am down to sign

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                      • Bump

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                      • Agree completely.

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                      • Would be really good to see

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