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Edited by Revan Darkside: 11/9/2014 10:43:52 AM

Free DLC/patch to fix story petition

Sorry but I can see this as the only way for Bungie to save this game. We have all paid for what most have come to think of as a Beta of what we thought and were promised. We are then meant to sit around and wait for a Dlc which cost about he same as the game itself. That's meant to make people happy? Now I don't care if you are a Ps fan boy or and Xbox gamer (joke), none of us deserve to have to fork out more money for a full game. So due to this I think we should get a free DLC from Bungie with an apology for selling us a Beta not the full game. This free DLC/patch should redo the story, making it worthy of the people that brought us Halo. Proper cut scenes that tell a true story, maybe even a twist in there. The Awoken queen recognising your race and responding to you appropriately, not just calling you "it". None of that "I'll explain later" rubbish, a real story that gets to your soul. Bungie owe it to themselves to grip us with a real first episode, to a game that is meant to be around for 10 years. If you agree please comment so Bungie/Activison [u]might[/u] take notice. [b]Just to make this clear, I am asking for the story to be fixed. Not multi player maps, guns or anything that shouldn't be in the game we all bought. The story that was cut and we all saw was in the game before the cuts. That can only come as a free DLC or patch, if that's a better word for people. However it has to fix the nonsensical story, that is not what is advertised on the back of the case. Please read the case, "[u]rich cinematic story telling[/u]". That is what we thought we had bought, that is what we should have. Hope that makes things clear for some that think anyone that agrees wants some kind of hand out. As we don't, we just want what we paid for. A story driven game, not a watered down version of what was touted.[/b] I do have theory why the story is so bad and nondescript. My theory is that it was written by deej. You know the guy that gives nondescript answers to every question? That's all I can think of as to why the story is so bad, it's deej's fault. As it can't be Bungie can it? They brought us the original Halo and the emotional Halo Reach, remember the end of that? Truly an amazing ending, Bungie did that. They couldn't of written this Destiny tripe. Seriously watch this.... This is more gripping than the whole of destiny.[b][u] So basically Bungie advertised a roast dinner with all the trimmings and gave us a pot noodle instead.[/u][/b] This links above and below strongly support all I have been saying, please read or you can find it on another feedback page. Deej do you care to comment? Also this from one of the leads of Bungie I personally love the part where he talks about Destiny not being a MMO, it's more of story driven. Edit - changed title as even though I explain what I was asking for, some seem to be confused.

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  • I think they should differentiate betwwen different types of content. We bought Earth, Earth's moon, Venus, the reef and Mars, so everything that is added to these maps should be for free - I would even accept to lose my collectors edition's season passes worth for that. We bought the crucible as it is now with all it's maps and game-modes. New maps that are placed on the planets we already bought yhould also be free no matter what. New game-modes for crucible on the other hand should come as paid DLC and map-packs with maps on new planets should come as paid DLC as well. Same is for new planets in general. Unlocking new planets should come at a cost. I think this is a fine system that would benefit both sides. It would garantee us as players that they will come up with real new stuff frequently and also would give us the choise which content we are willing to pay for. And for bungie it would be a chance to make a lot of money. Think of the opportunity for them. If they make a really compelling story that takes the players around the solar system I bet most will invest in unlocking the next chapters. Maybe for example the fallen story arc would take you to europe and it is a really good story... wouldn't you unlock it? And the vex on the other hand. They could lead you to mercury. And so on. I really hope they come up with something like that. And they could implement a 3- and/or 6-player-coop-hordemode with objection-waves like in mass effect 3 with it's own unlockables for each planet. All in all Destiny could become a serious cash cow if they are not to greedy now and willing to admit some mistakes to both us and to themselves. If they do they could make this IP one of the must have titles ever.

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  • [quote]Sorry but I can see this as the only way for Bungie to save this game. We have all paid for the what most have come to think of as a Beta of what we thought and were promised it was. We are then meant to sit around and wait for a Dlc which cost about he same as the game itself and that's meant to make people happy. Now I don't care if you are a Ps fan boy or and Xbox gamer, none of us deserve to have to fork out more money for a full game. So due to this I think we should get a free DLC from Bungie with an apology for selling us a Beta not the full game. If you agree please comment so Bungie/Activison might take notice. [b]Just to make this clear I am asking for the story to be fixed not multi player maps, guns or anything that shouldn't be in the game we all bought. The story that was cut and we all expected to be in the game itself, that can come as a free DLC or patch if that's a better word for people. However it has to fix the nonsensical story that is not what is advertised on the back of the case. Please read the case, "[u]rich cinematic story telling[/u]" that's what we bought, that is what we should have. Hope that makes thing clear for some that think anyone that agrees wants some kind of hand out. As we don't, we just want what we paid for. A story driven game, not a watered down version of what was touted.[/b][/quote] Signed

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    2 Replies
    • So many complaints about this game, go play battlefield 4 and then come talk about a broke ass game lol. I get what you're saying about the story but at the same time, if they gave you the entire story in the beginning of it's release. You would blow through it and then be like "well that was nice but I hate PVP, so now what?" Think of it as them releasing a trilogy or more of books, movies, etc.. That in it self will make this game last much longer.. Just my 2 cents on it

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    • Signed. (Although I doubt this thread will make any difference) if we got the Dark Below for free then I would feel less like bungie and I have been rectal anal cavity abused.

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    • Yes please. I would feel I got more for my money then. After the story is over and the strikes and raid, now I only play crucible so it is getting boring fast

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      • i agree they need to revamp this game quickly soon as possible or it will be finished in 10 months let alone 10 years

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        • the beta and alpha should have been a warning sign to us all

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          • Bs petition my money was well spent. And will be even better spent on dlcs. Everyone besides the 1000 ppl who already understand. Is this game at this very time is a tutorial of the epicness about unfold and theres tons to do. But yes there are moderate limits set for reasons on both sides. Like limit on marks. Make them only farmable to a point because. Reason 1 being so ppl dont get burned out farming for top end gear in 2 days. Reason 2 being levels playing foeld but gives newer players a chance to catch up. See the bigger picture gentlemen. Stop with the gimme gimme gimme

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            8 Replies
            • If anything, i think the LEAST they should do is unlock the content thats ALREADY on the disk. Yeah, its there. Just waiting. Awesome buying a $60 disk and then having to pay more for the content that already came on the disk that I already paid for. Thats bullshit!

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            • Doubt this will make a difference... But I agree and I sign it. [i]Raz Vader[/i]

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            • YES.

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            • This is very important!

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            • I would have to agree, we waited for the beta, we waited for the story, yet where is it all, people have glitched to the so called "DLC" areas ... a patch for included story is much needed!!! Its to the point where my friend has to remind me with things we did in the story that actually made the story missions more memorable,... come on bungie make this fun game more memorable moments :D!!!

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              3 Replies
              • Signed

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              • Sign me up

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                • I've paid more than 130 dollars (because of the currency) for the game and extension pack. And I do see some magnificent landscapes, a clever AI for once and an awesome soundtrack. If the game has a body it doesn't have a soul, cause it's story is way waaaaaaaaay too short. I was looking forward to buy the Xbox one but seeing this trend of making half games but paying full price is bullshit. Graphics don't matter if don't have a story to back it up. I fully support a free dlc. It is good for us and for the company. You don't need to spend a few millions in heavy marketing, you just have to make the dlc free and the players will take on to pass the word to other players.

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                  • Edited by Instynctive: 10/7/2014 7:46:47 AM
                    I think it would superb on bungie's part to do this. I believe it would restore SO much faith in the company that has been lost since destiny's release. It would be very big of them to essentially say "as a company we are more than very sorry for letting so many of our die hard supporters down with destiny, this in mind we would like to give the first DLC pack for free in order to try to re build burnt bridges" But as we all know this would never happen in a consumer market where the $$$$ is the only thing that matters at the end of the day.

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                    • wont lie we need free dlc along with paid.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by Magikarp: 10/7/2014 2:50:32 AM
                        Like that cutscene where the queens brother pulls out a hand cannon and points it at your head. Where was that?

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                        • Signed. I get so irritated when I read, but there's a 10 year plan. A 10 year plan does not excuse the hack job that exists for campaign mode. Yes I get it, there's a plan, a script, a great novella. The point of the initial offering is to hook you, to pull you in and leave you begging for more, I've read practically every review of the game and they're all pretty much the same, "WTF Bungie?" Now unless the powers that be at Activision and Bungie are living in a cave they're well aware of the mess they've created and are working their asses off to fix it. The problem is we're now almost a month in and it was painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain that the story mode was a disaster by the end of the Sept 12th but neither Bungie nor Activision has had the testicular fortitude to stand up and admit they screwed up. There is an event horizon approaching, Bungie and Activision need to do the right thing and soon or Destiny is destined to be sucked into the black hole of consumer apathy.

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                          • A free DLC ... Yes please.. If they actually put some thought into it!

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                            • Well I hope you know they're planning on making 4 games

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                              • Count me in

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                                • Xoxo

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                                • I completely agree

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