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Edited by Revan Darkside: 11/9/2014 10:43:52 AM

Free DLC/patch to fix story petition

Sorry but I can see this as the only way for Bungie to save this game. We have all paid for what most have come to think of as a Beta of what we thought and were promised. We are then meant to sit around and wait for a Dlc which cost about he same as the game itself. That's meant to make people happy? Now I don't care if you are a Ps fan boy or and Xbox gamer (joke), none of us deserve to have to fork out more money for a full game. So due to this I think we should get a free DLC from Bungie with an apology for selling us a Beta not the full game. This free DLC/patch should redo the story, making it worthy of the people that brought us Halo. Proper cut scenes that tell a true story, maybe even a twist in there. The Awoken queen recognising your race and responding to you appropriately, not just calling you "it". None of that "I'll explain later" rubbish, a real story that gets to your soul. Bungie owe it to themselves to grip us with a real first episode, to a game that is meant to be around for 10 years. If you agree please comment so Bungie/Activison [u]might[/u] take notice. [b]Just to make this clear, I am asking for the story to be fixed. Not multi player maps, guns or anything that shouldn't be in the game we all bought. The story that was cut and we all saw was in the game before the cuts. That can only come as a free DLC or patch, if that's a better word for people. However it has to fix the nonsensical story, that is not what is advertised on the back of the case. Please read the case, "[u]rich cinematic story telling[/u]". That is what we thought we had bought, that is what we should have. Hope that makes things clear for some that think anyone that agrees wants some kind of hand out. As we don't, we just want what we paid for. A story driven game, not a watered down version of what was touted.[/b] I do have theory why the story is so bad and nondescript. My theory is that it was written by deej. You know the guy that gives nondescript answers to every question? That's all I can think of as to why the story is so bad, it's deej's fault. As it can't be Bungie can it? They brought us the original Halo and the emotional Halo Reach, remember the end of that? Truly an amazing ending, Bungie did that. They couldn't of written this Destiny tripe. Seriously watch this.... This is more gripping than the whole of destiny.[b][u] So basically Bungie advertised a roast dinner with all the trimmings and gave us a pot noodle instead.[/u][/b] This links above and below strongly support all I have been saying, please read or you can find it on another feedback page. Deej do you care to comment? Also this from one of the leads of Bungie I personally love the part where he talks about Destiny not being a MMO, it's more of story driven. Edit - changed title as even though I explain what I was asking for, some seem to be confused.

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  • [quote]Sorry but I can see this as the only way for Bungie to save this game. We have all paid for the what most have come to think of as a Beta of what we thought and were promised it was. We are then meant to sit around and wait for a Dlc which cost about he same as the game itself and that's meant to make people happy. Now I don't care if you are a Ps fan boy or and Xbox gamer, none of us deserve to have to fork out more money for a full game. So due to this I think we should get a free DLC from Bungie with an apology for selling us a Beta not the full game. If you agree please comment so Bungie/Activison might take notice. Just to make this clear I am asking for the story to be fixed not multi player maps, guns or anything that shouldn't be in the game we all bought. The story that was cut and we all expected to be in the game itself. Hope that makes thing clear for some that think anyone that agrees wants some kind of hand out. As we don't, we just want what we paid for. A story driven game, not a watered down version of what was touted.[/quote] Signed

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    1 Reply
    • Agreed...content was intentionally left out of the game to be sold as DLC. I absolutely will not buy the DLC. On October 28th...Destiny will be dead to me.

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      6 Replies
      • I totally agree. If it goes like this this game will hit the dusty shelfs sooner than my exam books

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      • I could live with $5 DLC, I paid $60 for the game on Launch night knowing it was a long term game, but you're telling me I have to pay ~$20 per additional DLC? They already have 2 DLCs planned, so with those its a $100 game within 6 months of initial release. If this keeps up, roughly 2 years in the entry barrier for this game will be staggering ($180 for game plus DLC, assuming 6 total DLCs within 2 years) And before anyone picks apart my guess, first DLC is due out in Nov, second in Q1 2015, so if they follow a 3-4 month break between, we'll have six-ish. You don't HAVE to buy the DLC, but why buy a game where half the content is locked until you buy more?

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        1 Reply
        • I agree, an give me my damn speed bike races...

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        • Yerp yerp

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        • Such a good game, but need easily double the content then it would be a 10/10

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        • Edited by Dark Panzer 4: 10/5/2014 5:08:09 PM
          Signed. I would like to see more of Destiny's story. It was not as immersive as I hoped and it seemed that the only enemy that you put a stop to was the Vex.

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          • Signed.

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          • Signed

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          • I enjoyed the beta more , upgraded to ps4 just for destiny thinking activision and bungie made the greatest game ever . WRONG , i stopped playing after getting ripped off by EA after buying bf4 prem which should had been called bf3.1 . Then come to destiny and see that they don't even have music options , chat only Fire teams ...... And match making sucks . And to find out that activision held back in-disk game content to re sell ridiculous . I really like the game but i assure you it will not last long .

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            3 Replies
            • Signed!!! I could understand them missing stuff in the game but what I hated was the lack of story. I'm lvl 28 and I still don't know what the hell is going on... All Destiny ever did in the campaign was explain what happened (briefly).... They need to explain what everything is, who everything is, give us the details of the fight between light and dark. I went into this expecting to find out what the traveler is and how to fight the darkness. What I got was a few sentences of what happened and a request to save the world... Well I did that I know still know the same stuff I did at lvl 8...

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              5 Replies
              • Ppl fail to realize that 25% of this game was played in the beta. I originally thought these were beta only made missions. I was disappointed to find out at launch I had already played a huge chuck of the game in the beta. They shouldve atleast added another 5 earth missions. Game was way too short. N dont even get me started on the story thats not there. Pvp has no fun element to it no competitive nature since winners aren't really rewarded. Just another bounty activity.

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              • I completely agree. People that say "it'll be repetitive if it's free", the game cost $500 million. It's repetitive as hell. Your point is invalid.

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              • I bet if they give us "free" dlc, its gonna be some repetitive missions labeled as "dlc" and doing that, bungie will say "here is ur dlc for paying for an unfinished game, thank u for ur patience" and then real dlc is goin to be release for money $$$ Each way or another we are not gonna get something worth for free. For real money yes, for free no

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              • Signed.

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              • 0

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              • If they did then GameStop would owe me $35

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                • Edited by Dyno: 10/5/2014 3:50:07 PM
                  Wow get a grip.

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                • Yes

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                • I'll sign it and add a hearty "go f@ck yourself, Activision" bungie should have been the sole developer

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                • Shut up I understand but just buy it and that's the only reason why u want it free so go get overtime or something

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                • They (Activision) will most likely never give a expansion pass for free, but they (Activision) will probably give a mini DLC: armor and stuff away for free.

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                • So you want a free DLC because the game is crap....ok then. I took a crap once that was sooo bad it was very runny and ever time I would think it ok it is done I would go to stand up and it would just start again so it was a broken up crap too so I need a free DLC to flush my toilet someone give me my free DLC. I know what the f@ck are you trying to say Moon well it is this if you say this is crap give me something free no one will care what you say and just tell you stfu and return the game after all you think the game is crap what next the free DLC is crap give a free DLC for this crappy DLC point is why would you even think any amount of free DLC would fix anything if you already think the main game is crap is just plan stupid!!!

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                  4 Replies
                  • Agreed. Spread the word to all of your friends! Free dlc cuz I already quit playing lol.

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                  • yes and yes

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