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Edited by Revan Darkside: 11/9/2014 10:43:52 AM

Free DLC/patch to fix story petition

Sorry but I can see this as the only way for Bungie to save this game. We have all paid for what most have come to think of as a Beta of what we thought and were promised. We are then meant to sit around and wait for a Dlc which cost about he same as the game itself. That's meant to make people happy? Now I don't care if you are a Ps fan boy or and Xbox gamer (joke), none of us deserve to have to fork out more money for a full game. So due to this I think we should get a free DLC from Bungie with an apology for selling us a Beta not the full game. This free DLC/patch should redo the story, making it worthy of the people that brought us Halo. Proper cut scenes that tell a true story, maybe even a twist in there. The Awoken queen recognising your race and responding to you appropriately, not just calling you "it". None of that "I'll explain later" rubbish, a real story that gets to your soul. Bungie owe it to themselves to grip us with a real first episode, to a game that is meant to be around for 10 years. If you agree please comment so Bungie/Activison [u]might[/u] take notice. [b]Just to make this clear, I am asking for the story to be fixed. Not multi player maps, guns or anything that shouldn't be in the game we all bought. The story that was cut and we all saw was in the game before the cuts. That can only come as a free DLC or patch, if that's a better word for people. However it has to fix the nonsensical story, that is not what is advertised on the back of the case. Please read the case, "[u]rich cinematic story telling[/u]". That is what we thought we had bought, that is what we should have. Hope that makes things clear for some that think anyone that agrees wants some kind of hand out. As we don't, we just want what we paid for. A story driven game, not a watered down version of what was touted.[/b] I do have theory why the story is so bad and nondescript. My theory is that it was written by deej. You know the guy that gives nondescript answers to every question? That's all I can think of as to why the story is so bad, it's deej's fault. As it can't be Bungie can it? They brought us the original Halo and the emotional Halo Reach, remember the end of that? Truly an amazing ending, Bungie did that. They couldn't of written this Destiny tripe. Seriously watch this.... This is more gripping than the whole of destiny.[b][u] So basically Bungie advertised a roast dinner with all the trimmings and gave us a pot noodle instead.[/u][/b] This links above and below strongly support all I have been saying, please read or you can find it on another feedback page. Deej do you care to comment? Also this from one of the leads of Bungie I personally love the part where he talks about Destiny not being a MMO, it's more of story driven. Edit - changed title as even though I explain what I was asking for, some seem to be confused.

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  • I'm with ya

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  • While DLC designed to fix a broken story is not unprecedented, I don't think any amount of patching can fix the mess that is Destiny's single player campaign. We'd be asking Bungie to start over from scratch, and there's zero chance of them doing that.

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  • I dont agree. Spend a lot of hours at the game and Will continue to do so. Its worth the money. And bungie listens to us. But they cant satisfy everyone ofcourse..

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  • stop being cheap. just pay up.

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  • Bump

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  • Unlikely but agree

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    • At least lower the price

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      • Stop whining and learn to enjoy the game! If you think it's not what you expected then make a game yourself. Look at it a if your the producer you have to make money for what you spent in the producing of the product, they need money. We want to play their games so why not stretch out the game more, we already received a decent story for the original game itself.

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        12 Replies
        • Agreed

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        • dude make this petition to WOW and your gonna get laughed at. everything costs money, running the servers creating updates even making the DLC. and costing the same as the game? please the dlc equal $40. thats 40/2=20 a piece. bet ya didnt bitch this much when WOW was popping out expansions.

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          19 Replies
          • I wouldn't call it a beta but it is no better than the shitty COD games that get made every year. OH RIGHT same publisher GOTCHA! Just because it is no better than other games doesn't mean I am okay with any of the games that do it. COD having a five hour single player is bad, but it does often at least make up for it with a quite addictive multiplayer (despite a lot of people being sick to death of the yearly releases!), I have spent MANY hours in the COD multiplayer. Destiny has a crap story and crap PvP which I was bored of within about two days which is why it isn't worth $60 to me.

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          • Here here

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          • Maybe we will get something for free down the road, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon.

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            2 Replies
            • Its one thing to relay valid criticisms to Bungie so that they can improve the game and make the sequel better. This is how games like Assassins Creed and Diablo have become so great. Its a totally different matter to demand free sh*t because you didnt like the game. Thats entitlement and its pathetic. Tell Bungie what you think will help make the game better, but try to remember that theyre a company full of hard working people that have to put food on the table.

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              11 Replies
              • LOL HAHAHA -blam!-ING IDIOT

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                • As much as I wish they would do this, there is a sincere business need to generate revenue to exceed the costs of maintenance and operations, plus development that is ongoing. The ongoing costs in Destiny are high, unlike one shot games. They need to do two things - put back enough content into the base game to make the beginning and end points of the story AS IT EXISTS NOW in the game FOR FREE so that it is "an epic story" with "rich cinematic storytelling" that fills in the MASSIVE HOLES and DEVELOPS CHARACTERS AND PLACES AND GIVES YOUR NAMELESS DRONE PURPOSE and sell new content as DLC to generate revenue. If they haven't figured that out, then there is no hope for Bungie and this game. Basically, fix the story and get that out ASAP so that the base game will fulfill its promises (not to mention all of the technical shortcomings it has from a social/grouping/matchmaking perspective) and push the DLC out however long it will take to make this base game right.

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                • I've put an ungodly amount of hours into this game since release. Definitely have gotten my $60 worth of entertainment. Do I wish there was more content? Of course I do. They are doing weekly patches and events in the meantime between expansions which hopefully contain a while boatload of new content. Demanding free stuff from something that has clearly entertained you for many hours in the past month just makes you look like a spoiled child. Level a new character, do the raid or play some pvp. There are plenty of things to do in this game. We all want more endgame content. It will come. This is a grandiose project with a 10 year plan. More content will be coming. Some of it will be smaller scale and free patches and events I'm sure. Most of it will come in the form of large DLC expansions.

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                  • I think I can admit that I'm a PS fanboy... *gulp* and i agree with you. I actually made a remark on another post and started a post of my own about this as well last week. I think anyone who pre-ordered the game deserves a free DLC. I am not sure, but Bungie said somewhere that the VoG is a free DLC? lmao, if that is their defense, then I just have nothing to say. I won't buy the DLCs, rest assured. The base game should atleast say what the story is. So far the storyline is all over the place and if I have to buy a DLC to experience the actual game then that's pure BULLSHIT from the marketing department. Whoever decided to give away the beta as a final product was smoking weed.

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                  • Try actually playing the games limited time events they help pass the time

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                  • 1/3 dlc packages should be free. So we just bought 2, third should be free

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                  • I agree. I thought I was buying the full game.Not a chapter game. But you can bet that the DLC will allow you to level past 30 and unlock options that should have been available at launch. I played the Beta loved it and though "Wow..and this is only the Beta...The full game must be epic. Suprise! I Like the game and I am allowed my opinion. The Fanboys be like "stop whinning.Stop playin then and sell your game" . I am sure Bungie and Activision do not want me to take my copy back to sell used. That is less money in their pocket. They get nothing from a used game sale. I think they would much rather make the community happy to keep the player base as high as possible. Throw me a bone Bungie and I will stay with the community.

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                    • Yes.

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                    • I agree with you 100%! As of right now, this game is not worth it's asking price of $59.99. Its story content is malnourished, the armor and weapon varieties for each individual class are way too limited in variety and style (seriously, practically all of the legendary armor and weapons are just uncommons and rares in different colors)

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                    • Such a retarded statement to make. Nothing you wrote holds any ground on why they should give away DLC away for free. You want it, you buy t. You don't, GTFO.

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                      12 Replies
                      • Once again did you not see that the dlc was able to be preordered the day the game cam out that should have told you that the game was short

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                      • Agreed

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