My internet keeps -blam!-ing up because rogers internet is complete tits. its utter shit. and if i want the modem fixed it costs extra or if i want to buy another and bring it to my room upstairs it costs even more. which is -blam!-ed.
Now after countless attempts to connect to the internet on my computer the internet randomly disconnects, CONSTANTLY, and my xbox one, is now lagging everygame. even a -blam!-ing single player game lagged. now the problem is, i dont really know much about internet speeds and stuff. so someone needs to explain if this shit is good or bad so i can try and fix whatever the problem is with the service provider. now heres what shows when i take detailed network stats on my xbox one.
download speed: 13.14Mbps
upload speed::1.98Mbps
packet loss:1%
on my computer its
so someone explain whats good and bad about this stuff please?
sorry if i sound really angry in this post its been happening for a long ass time now...
You have decent Internet. I have the equivalent or worse Internet and I rarely lag. Most likely it is just that your router/modem is having a hard time getting the signal where you want it. Either move closer to where the signal is put off or move where the signal is being put off closer. Also it will always help of you use an ethernet cable, although inconvenient a wired connection is always better than wireless. The amount of walls/surfaces the signal has to go though is another variable. Obviously the more surfaces it travela through the weaker it gets. If that doesn't help feel free to ask more questions.