originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
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Hi im a lvl 26 gunslinger but i have almost maxed out bladedancer too ( blink ) comment, msg or add and i'll see u on sunday
it is so many that has requested a join im so happy that so many want to team up but the bad thing is that its only 5 lucky guardians that will be abel and the rest of u can create another team and of course i will do it fair whit some1 that has the time that maches whit the others and that will do this raid weekly and later on hard and i have a friend that may join but i wont priorytise him some more then the rest of ur strangers but he is ''on top of the comment list'' as i will be going down and find u guys but some will be skipped if the time doesent mach the others so when u write the time that fits u say it like this from 14 EDT-20 EDT and then i understan that u are ready to play in that time and other may say 12EDT-17EDT and then i need to start the raid on 14 EDT and hopefully end it till 17EDT so if u understand it now comment away let me do the work and then we got a team