If you have ever played crucible, you know what it is to be "lol, titan'd". That moment when you feel invincible, mowing down countless ranks of pvp noobs when suddenly who turns the corner and shits all over your day? Your greatest nightmare: the Titan.
[b]So you think you have the damagez? [/b]
[quote]-lol, fist of havoc near invincibility scrub
-Juggernaut shield sprint >> shotgun to face >> t-bag
-What is Ward of Dawn? Get #rekt Trebek.
-Flashbang, why you last so long? :([/quote]
[b]Who needs guns when you have:[/b]
[quote]-shoulder charge
-fist of havoc
-long lasting grenades with massive areas of effect (I mean seriously, the pulse grenade is the exact same thing as the hunters arcbolt grenade except it lasts 10 times longer)[/quote]
[b]So you think you are safe? (from FoH)[/b]
[quote]-max jump height? fist of havoc
-in another dimension mid blink? fist of havoc
-one story above/below the titan? fist of havoc
-near a titan? fist of -blam!-ing havoc
-you have enough damage to kill the titan mid FoH animation? too bad he wont do the animation this time #fixFoH
-somehow manage to kill the titan mid FoH? too bad he still has fist of havoc
-cowering in a corner across the map? FIST OF HAVOC
-titan somehow whiffs FoH? lol, not with that aoe range
-you get the drop on the titan? LOL PANIC FIST OF GET SALTY SCRUB
-titan doesnt have FoH up? lol 1 hit shoulder charge that can be used every 2 seconds.
-titan is using defender? (see next section)[/quote]
[b]Get your "Ward of Dawn" today, now with:[/b]
[quote]-the latest in panic bubbling technology
-30 seconds of dance where-ever you want fun time
-1 free salvage capture
-1000 rounds of wasted ammunition as your enemies try to destroy it
-buy one get one free on wasted hunter specials
-free t-baggable corpses as morons try to get you out of the bubble with: shotguns! suicide rockets! blade dances! AND MORE![/quote]
In conclusion, titans are ridiculously op in PVP because of their incredibly strong, practically uncounterable abilities. Serious balancing needs to be implemented. Possible balances for:
[b]FoH[/b]: reduced aoe size, reduced damage resistance during animation, increased animation time, actually losing your special if you die mid animation (just like hunters and sunslinger). FIX THE NO ANIMATION BUG
[b]WoD:[/b] less duration, less damage to destroy it, longer personal overshield refresh time or less damage resistance (depending on the spec), longer animation
[b]Shoulder charge:[/b] not an ohko, an actual cooldown (maybe tie it into storm fist)
[b]Juggernaut:[/b] a slight delay between stopping sprinting and being able to shoot/melee
[b]Grenades:[/b] less range or duration
Until this problem is fixed, please help raise awareness of this issue by joining the "Titan Cancer Foundation"
Biased polls are pointless and won't get u any support. I don't play as titan, play crucible, and don't think they're op
bwaahahahahah shoulder charge ftw
To solve the issue with your problems bungie should just make an option for super & non super crucible
All I hear is a lot of crying and distorted facts.
Lololol ur getting killed by titans, give me a voting option of your a scrub that can't keep 10 feet between u and them
Fact titans have the worst grenades and the worst Melee. Foh is good but u usually only get 1 kill with it and it's range is pretty lacking.
This was funny I only disagree with ward of dawn. If a Titan puts it up just walk away or get a void walker to blow it up!
Did you just claim that Titans are OP because they usually end your streak?
One time there was a level 30 Titan running around using a single move over and over again destroying everybody it was a one hit melee move it required no recharge, it was seriously lopsided. First of all why don't his powers have to recharge? And if anyone deserves a one hit melee is hunters throwing knife not titans! they have to get a head shot to amount to anything and that is almost all luck!
ONLY thing that needs adjustment is the smash thing. There is.no escape even in the air and that's retarded. Also the animation is almost instant needs to change all other supers take twice as long in the activation animation as far as I can see. That is all. All other things about titans are fine so thread is ridiculous looking to Nerf the whole class. Idiotic
Oh no... You got killed by a titans super... What do you want the titans super to just be him jumping and hitting and doing a little damage to you? That'd be the worst super in the game. Supers are supposed to get kills. They don't need a nerf if they're capable of killing you.
My main issue with Blade Dancer is: 1) The duration of the arc blade. That shit lasts forever. 2) There needs to be some kind of timer. For example if the hunter pops arc blade, rather then 45 seconds of it straight up till he dies. or whatever the duration actually is. It should be set at say a max of 30 seconds. and the hunter has to get kills with it within 5 seconds of each other or they lose it before the duration runs out. Ive seen Hunters pop arc blade and run all the way across the map kill one guy, and in the same arc blade super pop, run back to the other side of the map and kill another, and that sit continued for what felt like the better part of a minute.. THEN on top of that once he finally ran out of arc blade and died. He came back and did It again because he already had his super charged again. Now I am not complaining because its OP, hell I save my FoH specifically for arc blade hunters. WHY? because they tend to be to dumb to realize If I am standing in my OWN FoH I know I am about to die and If you didn't die when I popped FoH the lingering effect will kill you. This is actually how I get my post mortem medals a lot of the times for bounties. Not to mention in Crucible armor doesn't matter, period. Recovery and agility/speed do. Which is why Titan's are so easy to beat in crucible in 1v1 if neither have a super. Even respecing to max recovery and agility/speed I cant recover as fast as a warlock or run as fast as a Hunter. Making it more difficult to take out hunters and warlocks with anything but a gun. But I prefer that. Gun play is my thing, so all the other aspects of the titan are just the "oh shit" panic button or the "THIS IS MY HOUSE!.. See this bubble. It is mine, enter if you have a death wish."... The later in that often ends with me dead anyway because... Blade Dancers can just walk through it Even with Arc Blade up. Nova bomb and Golden Gun both ignore it.. That actually pisses me off.. I'm in my bubble then bam I get Golden Gunned from across the map. In all honesty that needs to be fixed, A non aggressive supper that doesn't counter any super is, imo, really poor design. It should be either: A) Nobody but my team can enter my bubble making it so that ONLY a super can clear it out, nova bomb, Golden gun, FoH, and arc blade would then have to physically destroy the bubble, Golden gun would get 1 shot to destroy it, leaving 2 to 3 shots to kill those inside. Nova bomb FoH can clear it, and its lingering state would kill those inside if placed right. Arc Blade would have to physically slash the bubble which would break it then he could slash those inside. or B) No outside supers can destroy the bubble but all players team and enemies can enter the bubble. Now FoH would be the real trick here. because of how it works. A titan could jump from outside of the bubble and land inside clearing all inside while simultaniously clearing the bubble. Nova bomb and golden gun however would be ineffective. leaving Arc blade and FoH being the counters to bubble. and Bubble is the "defensive" counter to Nova bomb and Golden Gun. Utimately the issue is with supers and how they work there will never be true balance in PVP so long as Supers are allowed. This is fact proven by the dozens of shooters and MMOs that have each class with it's own unique thing. And when people figure out what that thing is IT is the go to class for PvP. Lets take AION for example. 2 glasses shine above the rest in that game when it comes to pvp based on the class skills alone (play skill not taken into consideration) Those 2 classes are Assassin and Summoner (they were the 2 at the start), These 2 classes were the best pvp classes because of 1 reason each. For Assassins it was called "stun locking", effectively this rendered a single target completely defensless to the barage of attacks the assassin dealt for 3-5 seconds. per stun.. the cool down for 1 stun is 10 seconds. Assassins have 4 or 5 different stun skills. For Summoner it was called "Fear Locking", same concept as stun locking but could be done at range making it near impossible for the 3 melee classes to even touch them be. THEN this all went to hell when NCsoft released the Gunslinger glass. They gave this glass 3 stun skills. then on top of that gave their normal attacks a chance to cause a 1-2 second stun, add that to the highest attack speed of any class and near spam-able skills. AND they were ranged.... NOTHING could compete with that. So now in pvp all you see are Gunslingers Running the field in siege events. THis same concept applys to Destiny. Due to Hunters base HIGH agility/speed. They can MAX recovery for PVP giving them high enough recovery to regen health quickly enough that with their high speed they can retreat from direct combat recover their health then get back into combat quickly. Warlocks Doing the same but focusing on maxing their Agility/Speed can retreat and by the time they have even found cover provided they arn't still being hit their health is already recovering. Now lets look at titans.. Armor.. the most useless state in the game as far as crucible in concerned as it is normalized with all players. THE slowest speed in the game, and fairly low recovery as well. If I focus on recovery I die because I can't get out of combat fast enough. for my recovery to even take effect. If I focus on Speed I still won't be fast enough to retreat for cover if the warlock or hunter decide that I must die, and with such low recover due to focusing on speed I now suffer from having to cover in cover for even LONGER to get my health back, meaning even if I make it to cover (likely because I am a wall hugging panzy, and never left my cover to begin with.) if I am rushed or chanced after taking serious damage I a goner anyways. The best way for them to balance Crucible is remove the use of subclasses all together IMO. No more supers, No more grenades beyond a simple frag type grenade. No special melees beyond the animations of Titan's punch, Warlock's palm slap, and Hunter's stabbing. That would then leave only weapon perks which Not many I feel are truly OP. I feel the Suros Regime is over all a high effective weapon. not necissarily and OP weapon. Due to its slowed rate of fire, I have gunned down many Suros users with my Shadow Price and simple straifing, however that Suros user gets the drop on me, I am done because by the time I can react to the first hit hes already got several more in the air. These are just my thoughts, After playing a Hunter and Warlock on PS3 with my wife(as she perfers titan) and Titan on PS4 I feel that my opinions are unbiased as a whole. TLDR: Ive played all classes between my PS3 and PS4 account to lvl 29 with all subclasses maxed. To balance Crucible remove ALL supers, genades, and special melee skills and setting everyone to the exact same base stats for armor, agility, and recovery. Nerf everything for Crucible as far as classes go, OR STFU and Adapt and over come.
Can you switch these letters around? Fcuking hwiney ssahole!
Your tears are delicious. And your skill must be S**T if you are having trouble to counter the only class that needs to be at close range in BOTH modes to be any kind of effective. But please, do cry some more, I was thristy!
All I hear is my blade dancer keeps getting -blam!- by titans. When I shoot hunters and warlock and they "panic" blink then shotgun me for the kill, warlock have "panic " nova bomb my titan all the time it's called survival thats how you win. Now hunters can blink, cloak, and both there supers can take out multiple people over a long time but hunters grenades do sick bad compared to warlocks and titans. There's a lot more stuff that needs to be fixed as a whole before you try to genocide one class.
hahaha no. Shut the hell up with the "nerf the titan this" and "nerf the titan that" play as a titan, you'll see that they're nerfed the shit out of as it is. Foh has the longest super ability delay out of any super, they practically put on a -blam!-in parade to get shot, which i have been, and have stopped other titans from using. If you get killed by a shoulder charge, and they don't recently round a corner, you suck. I've been stopped more times than i can count and have stopped others dead in their tracks much more than I've been killed by it. It has the same aoe aas the standard warlock's nova bomb, but can be jumped away from unlike the nova bomb, ESPECIALLY when they use that bullshit tri-bomb, and hunters? Lol what's aoe? They can control wherever the -blam!- they wanna go while supered and soak up shit loads of damage. And don't talk about grenades, just shut up. Titan strikers have the weakest grenades in the game, with not a single one being able to one hit, much less take out even HALF of your shield. Shoulder charge takes a few seconds to build up, can't make sharp turns, easy to miss, and easily stopped, we deserve shoulder charge because we don't have horse shit one hit grenades unless we switch to defender, which is the only non offensive super in the game, and no shoulder charge, so we have to pick and choose. Shut up with the "nerf everything cuz I suck at pvp and like to cry because everything is op except for my class" you ruin the game, go play something else.
Bhahaa surely you jest kind sir.. Lv28 Titan Honestly in my humble opinion the Titan class is by no means OP and my fellow Titan's can likely sympathize we got the short end of the stick in some ways as many have said the ward of spoof bubble is practically useless v other supers perfect example Nova Bomb pops it and kills the titan inside and the bladedancer can simply walk right in and bam your toast.. yes FOH can be very effective but it can also be beaten and I have had it happen a few times perhaps by poor execution on my behalf that aside the striker subclass is the only offense super we have so in my opinion neither of them are outstandingly good I think the grenade choice in both subclasses are fairly standard and none of them are overly remarkable hence why you often see Titans using whatever they feel works for them overall its a close quarters build with limited versatility at distance and limited agility my Titan reminds me of MC but after eating to many space sticks and pop tarts and now his jetpack cant lift him lol honestly I agree with what everyone has already said if it was thst good everyone would be using them and honestly its the opposite I almost never face another Titan in fact I am often the only one in my match on either side so safe to say that it isn't well liked by the community. honestly I think you should have a look for yourself if you haven't made one already and as the saying goes.. if you can't beat em
My only 2 problems with titan are 1. Easy panic super And 2. Bubble shield shotgun A-holes.
While I might agree the shoulder charge is a bit of a bitch, if you can't kill a Titan inside a bubble, you have some troubles. The bubble can be ignored. We call it grenades and shotguns. Run in, throw grenade down, shotgun him once, escape if lucky. Grenade should ensure either vacating or death. Titans are realistically fine, and this is coming from a Warlock. Yes, the FoH gets old and annoying, but I'm willing to not scream nerf when my Nova Bomb does something partially similar, but I can do so at a bit of range.
All of the subclasses are FINE. My hey do not need to be nerfed, they do not need to be buffed. I realize it's annoying to get supered when you are on a role but seriously, at this rate we will have a game where it takes 200 shots to kill anything because everything is nerfed so much.
It's nerf or nothing!
Edited by ARMYofTWOzdw: 10/27/2014 1:34:48 AMFunnny. I was just posting why titans are underpowered in another thread. Here's what i said: My 28 titan has less armor than my friends 28 warlock. His warlock can float and shoot, use long range super, has two grenades, has longer range on his melee. Yes i can one hit ko while sprinting. So can hunters. My ward of dawn just means i cant be killed for a few seconds or until i get supered by hunter. I cant even shoot out of it. My striker super is close range only and, having the same armor as other guardians, means ill get killed on the way to the enemy a few times before i can succesfully use it. This is the nightmare i have every night. Whos that in the distance? An enemy! Ill shield myself until my knee is in his face, great idea! (Running) Wait, whats that in the sky? Holy shit the sun is coming straight... ndufbeiaitcthdydkshvrdjrvcsud!!!!!!!! Respawn Sniped. Respawn I might capture this point with a couple buddies!! What killed you fireteam leader?! Oh shit its a golden gu... blam!!!!!! Respawn In slow motion my knee is two inches away from this warlocks face! I have him right where i want him! Blam!!! Shitgunned in the face!!!! (I was typing shotgunned but typoed and decided it was fitting) All my titans abilities and upgrades are geared towards close range/point blank situations. Any decent hunter or warlock should have no problem holding them off. Have you tried melee with a titan? You must be touching your foe already to hit Also warlock grenades seem way more effective than any of my titans. No titan grenade ohkos
Gr8 b8 m8 [spoiler]troll[/spoiler]
You logic is invalid quit bitching about titans titans aren't OP if your any good at the game if you suck at the game then they seem OP because you suck everything should be OP to you because You guessed it you suck if your bitching about titans then you really are playing as a blade dancing arc blading nub who needs that OP ass blade dancer to do good cause you can't get kills without camping or sniping so yes I agree you are an arcblade whore from everything you said your logic is so much bullshit that I don't see how you think & you should seriously stop bitching because if any super or class is OP as -blam!- it's the warlock or the bladedancer titans are not OP they're underpowered just because you was blade dancing & got Titan smashed quit bitching about it Your just like every hunter ever TITANS are to OP because theyre built for -blam!-ING CLOSE QUARTERS DIRECT CONFRONT THATS WHY THEY KILL YOUR BLADE DANCING BITCH ASS with titan smash I see a titan & think well look who I'm killing unless you get close ha & even then I still usually -blam!- them up.
Obvious trollllll trolllingggggg
You do realise there are ways around FOH by moving back ward of dawn can be destroyed by nova bombing it or enter and use any super , shoulder charge can miss and you can see me unlike blink strike, the area of FOH is too small in my perspective everyone else can lob they're super so yeah have think about what your saying