If you have ever played crucible, you know what it is to be "lol, titan'd". That moment when you feel invincible, mowing down countless ranks of pvp noobs when suddenly who turns the corner and shits all over your day? Your greatest nightmare: the Titan.
[b]So you think you have the damagez? [/b]
[quote]-lol, fist of havoc near invincibility scrub
-Juggernaut shield sprint >> shotgun to face >> t-bag
-What is Ward of Dawn? Get #rekt Trebek.
-Flashbang, why you last so long? :([/quote]
[b]Who needs guns when you have:[/b]
[quote]-shoulder charge
-fist of havoc
-long lasting grenades with massive areas of effect (I mean seriously, the pulse grenade is the exact same thing as the hunters arcbolt grenade except it lasts 10 times longer)[/quote]
[b]So you think you are safe? (from FoH)[/b]
[quote]-max jump height? fist of havoc
-in another dimension mid blink? fist of havoc
-one story above/below the titan? fist of havoc
-near a titan? fist of -blam!-ing havoc
-you have enough damage to kill the titan mid FoH animation? too bad he wont do the animation this time #fixFoH
-somehow manage to kill the titan mid FoH? too bad he still has fist of havoc
-cowering in a corner across the map? FIST OF HAVOC
-titan somehow whiffs FoH? lol, not with that aoe range
-you get the drop on the titan? LOL PANIC FIST OF GET SALTY SCRUB
-titan doesnt have FoH up? lol 1 hit shoulder charge that can be used every 2 seconds.
-titan is using defender? (see next section)[/quote]
[b]Get your "Ward of Dawn" today, now with:[/b]
[quote]-the latest in panic bubbling technology
-30 seconds of dance where-ever you want fun time
-1 free salvage capture
-1000 rounds of wasted ammunition as your enemies try to destroy it
-buy one get one free on wasted hunter specials
-free t-baggable corpses as morons try to get you out of the bubble with: shotguns! suicide rockets! blade dances! AND MORE![/quote]
In conclusion, titans are ridiculously op in PVP because of their incredibly strong, practically uncounterable abilities. Serious balancing needs to be implemented. Possible balances for:
[b]FoH[/b]: reduced aoe size, reduced damage resistance during animation, increased animation time, actually losing your special if you die mid animation (just like hunters and sunslinger). FIX THE NO ANIMATION BUG
[b]WoD:[/b] less duration, less damage to destroy it, longer personal overshield refresh time or less damage resistance (depending on the spec), longer animation
[b]Shoulder charge:[/b] not an ohko, an actual cooldown (maybe tie it into storm fist)
[b]Juggernaut:[/b] a slight delay between stopping sprinting and being able to shoot/melee
[b]Grenades:[/b] less range or duration
Until this problem is fixed, please help raise awareness of this issue by joining the "Titan Cancer Foundation"
Just shut up and make a titan.
Ok, first off the only thing I can think of about the Titan that is OP is the Shoulder Charge. I think the Titan is just about fine as it is, and no I don't use Titan. I use Warlock. At any rate, I laughed my ass off reading this. Thank you for the laughter.
Titans aren't op, so stop bitching. The only thing that bugs me about the titans is their shoulder charge. Their fist of havoc SHOULD be good, because it's a super. it's not at drastic as you made it sound. If it's a defender titan and he uses a shield-good. let him have a free capture, he used his SUPER for the capture.
Dude... You're dumb... That is all
Most people play Hunters and Warlocks, this thread is invalid.
Nooooooooooooooooob (and I'm not even a Titan)
What are you talking about op this class is supposed to be the tank class
Looks like somebody got their ass handed to them with a side of fries.
The classes are so even I'm impressed. Everybody has something they hate, and maybe you just hate titans. Warlocks and hunters have just as much killing power. Titans easily have the hardest nades to use. Shoulder charge is so hard to use. It rarely works on groups of people, and, titans are supposed to have a onehit melee as advertised in the class description. Titans are a close quarters class. I couldn't imagine playing as anything else.
All classes are now OP. We have balance!
Lolololol I hope this guy is trolling.
Says the double hunter -blam!- you
All I have to say is experience the other side before hating on a class.
All I do is rock out with my cock out, sorry your warlock and hunter just can't compare... Not just in size, also in getting the job done... [spoiler]JK obviously size doesn't matter[/spoiler] [spoiler]Who am I kidding with that last spoiler? Am I right... Lol[/spoiler] In all seriousness I think anybody who still complains about the classes being OP is just a PvP scrub who despite the weapon nerfs still sucks...
Geez, I have played my share of crucible and as a good player I can tell you that the titan is the worst class to bring into the crucible, I don't know why you would post an essay on why they are OP when they are clearly not, but honestly titan nerf? when I saw this thread I honetly had no idea what you meant or why, and I still don't, I don't play crucible for any reason other than things like exotic bounties so I don't care about things bungie does to it, but don't ask them to change whole subclasses, subclasses are the basis for class chose and play style and well are fundamental to the game and its mechanics, so asking them to change that would be asking someone to change the foundation of a built house, it can be done but is to hard pointless and destroys more than already is there. Also you do realize if they changed whole subclasses for PVP it would be the same in PVE right? well we are at it why don't we make all subclasses PVP only and do nothing in PVE, honestly don't even consider changing a fundamental part of PVE simply because you dislike it in PVP. Why are you doing this anyway, Destiny has one of the worst PVP's I have ever played and you are going wayyyyyy out of your way to write essays on why they should nerf whole subclasses and change the whole game including PVE? if you hate it that much admit it is the wrost PVP ever and move on, don't get stuck on Destiny as if it is the first and last PVP FPS ever and try to fix and "balance" the whole thing by nerfing everything to hell, when someone wants to actually balance something the word "nerf" never crosses there mind, because balance is not about simply removing anything that is better than the worst it is not about making the worst players equal with the best, it is about equal chance and ups and downs to everything which balance themselves, there is no balance if everything is equal and the same because there is nothing to balance because it is all the same trash, balancing is the act of making different elements equally useful and bad and different play styles and circumstances, the people who want things "nerfed" don't understand the concept of balancing and would complain about losing to a titan's ground pound in a fist fight because it is unfair that they had no chance to win the fist fight so abilites should be removed. Like I said Destinies PVP is the worst I have ever player and is anything but balanced, but what you ask is going way to far. P.S. just reading your post and descriptions of the titan being OP are so blindly by PVP rage and blind stupidity to anything but why you think it is OP and ignoring anything else at all in the crucible it makes me seriously wonder if this is just a troll thread, lol, No offense to you. Just simply stop playing the crucible if you think it is that busted, it is really busted but the titan would not even be on the list of why it is. P.P.S. Did I really end up with a huge paragraph response? lol I only wanted to say one sentence, lol.
I'm sorry that you're terrible at this game.
Get #rekt noob scrub
Every special is a panic button.. lol your argument is valid but only because you aren't seeing the whole picture. Of course you aren't going to be stupid and START your special while being shot at, because you are the only class that doesn't get a defense boost.. The gunslinger gets the throwing knife, arguably the worst melee in the game.. and also gets some of the worst grenades.. to compliment that half of your skills incease the effectiveness of your special.. this class and the sunsinger are the only two classes that gain an additional throwable weapon. The bladedancer has abilities that force it to be in close proximity to people, which is why it gets blink strike. but, like you said, it requires some skill because you can be deadly but you are also vulnerable.. again, more of your skills in either subclass help with your special more than any other class in the game. The sunsingerget's two grenades and the best melee..it can revive, and it's special is as good as the Defenders because you get just as much of an overshield as armor of light except you can still shoot with it active. Also, like the defender except better, the sunsinger get's an overshield for HITTING someone with their melee (flame shield), whereas the Defender has to KILL someone to get the same effect (disintegrate). The void walker has the 2nd best melee, get's blink which is a skilled man's shoulder charge, and it's entire class is built around it's melee energy drain which reduces the cooldown of their grenade..also it has the greatest grenade, axion bolt. the Strikers greatest PvP ability is obviously shoulder charge, but one thing most people don't realize is that if you choose shoulder charge you don't get enhanced defense during FOH which means it's not nearly the panic button everyone makes it out to be.. especially considering the voidwalkers special is the same thing except it has range, and every other special usually ends with 3-4 kills where the Striker would have to get all those kills at once, every other class can get them overtime. The Defender gets flash bang grenades, which really are great if you're playing as a team.. or if you are doing the raid.. they also get a bubble shield which is useless for PvP unless you're playing against idiots.. The defender's entire build is shaped towards helping allies more so than helping the Defender because the greatest abilities the defender possesses are passive ones..THUS, requiring more gun skill than any other class. As an aside, I'd like to point out that every single human being I've talked to about this game agrees, this is the consensus view.. the only people that disagree are people on this god forsaken forum who want to argue that their class isn't as good as it should be... most of them are balanced, but the plan was supposed to be for the Hunter to have the best specials but not get many because their abilities aren't as good; the Warlock get the best grenades, but have a weak melee and below average special; and the titan was supposed to have the best melee, but what ended up happening IF you watched as the game progressed: the hunter's special got buffed because the warlock was too powerful, and the defenders bubble shield wasn't strong enough so they buffed that as well.. neither buff fixed any problems. They also made hand cannons a primary instead of a secondary..and they got rid of "secondaries" all together and replaced them with "special weapons"
Thanks OP, you made me realize my class isn't underpowered. I must thank you lad.
The only problem I have is my personal hate to the hunters. Mainly because the gunslinger takes down my ward of dawn in 1 single shot.
I have all three classes and main a Titan. By far the hunter is the most dominate force in pvp. I wouldn't nerf anything they are just right. Tldr; stop being such a baby back bitch and learn to play.
If you ask me this is the mark of good balance every one/class has something to complain about
Void wall < 2 golden gun shots, warlock triple ball, blade dancer super Armor of light < 2 warlock melee, 1 invective Blessing of light = pointless Weapons of light = useless FoH = Cumbersome DFA FoH = mid air straight line vulnerability Shoulder charge - small window of use, pain in the dick to use Juggernaut shield - negligible at best. Warlocks live twice Hunters crossmap one shot bladedancers squad wipe and we titans get electrical tantrum and a bubble. The classes are even, you just suck.
Edited by Tricky5hift: 10/25/2014 10:35:31 PMYour poll choices are as dumb as you unfortunately.
Titans are underpowered We can't -blam!- people like you can No orgasm make Titan sad :( [spoiler]lololol[/spoiler]
keep crying you pussy bitch, all classes have their ups and downs. it's no ones fault but your own that you don't know how to kill a -blam!-ing titan you fat piece of garbage