If you have ever played crucible, you know what it is to be "lol, titan'd". That moment when you feel invincible, mowing down countless ranks of pvp noobs when suddenly who turns the corner and shits all over your day? Your greatest nightmare: the Titan.
[b]So you think you have the damagez? [/b]
[quote]-lol, fist of havoc near invincibility scrub
-Juggernaut shield sprint >> shotgun to face >> t-bag
-What is Ward of Dawn? Get #rekt Trebek.
-Flashbang, why you last so long? :([/quote]
[b]Who needs guns when you have:[/b]
[quote]-shoulder charge
-fist of havoc
-long lasting grenades with massive areas of effect (I mean seriously, the pulse grenade is the exact same thing as the hunters arcbolt grenade except it lasts 10 times longer)[/quote]
[b]So you think you are safe? (from FoH)[/b]
[quote]-max jump height? fist of havoc
-in another dimension mid blink? fist of havoc
-one story above/below the titan? fist of havoc
-near a titan? fist of -blam!-ing havoc
-you have enough damage to kill the titan mid FoH animation? too bad he wont do the animation this time #fixFoH
-somehow manage to kill the titan mid FoH? too bad he still has fist of havoc
-cowering in a corner across the map? FIST OF HAVOC
-titan somehow whiffs FoH? lol, not with that aoe range
-you get the drop on the titan? LOL PANIC FIST OF GET SALTY SCRUB
-titan doesnt have FoH up? lol 1 hit shoulder charge that can be used every 2 seconds.
-titan is using defender? (see next section)[/quote]
[b]Get your "Ward of Dawn" today, now with:[/b]
[quote]-the latest in panic bubbling technology
-30 seconds of dance where-ever you want fun time
-1 free salvage capture
-1000 rounds of wasted ammunition as your enemies try to destroy it
-buy one get one free on wasted hunter specials
-free t-baggable corpses as morons try to get you out of the bubble with: shotguns! suicide rockets! blade dances! AND MORE![/quote]
In conclusion, titans are ridiculously op in PVP because of their incredibly strong, practically uncounterable abilities. Serious balancing needs to be implemented. Possible balances for:
[b]FoH[/b]: reduced aoe size, reduced damage resistance during animation, increased animation time, actually losing your special if you die mid animation (just like hunters and sunslinger). FIX THE NO ANIMATION BUG
[b]WoD:[/b] less duration, less damage to destroy it, longer personal overshield refresh time or less damage resistance (depending on the spec), longer animation
[b]Shoulder charge:[/b] not an ohko, an actual cooldown (maybe tie it into storm fist)
[b]Juggernaut:[/b] a slight delay between stopping sprinting and being able to shoot/melee
[b]Grenades:[/b] less range or duration
Until this problem is fixed, please help raise awareness of this issue by joining the "Titan Cancer Foundation"
I think you just suck fam
I just get sad when Titans push me instead of walking around me. Maybe there is a reason I'm not going around that corner.
Make a titan first m8. I laughed a bit when you said shoulder charge is OP, its pretty lame if you actually tried it.
I don't play as a titan but I really don't think they should get nerfed...
I don't play Titan, and it doesn't need a NERF.
And of course, you haven't played TITAN.....
Edited by ThirteenJesters: 10/5/2014 1:58:05 AMAll classes are balanced. They all have their own weaknesses and strengths. Hunter's have the most mobility. They are moving in and out of combat and shooting at everything they see or weaving through the thick of the fight with bladedancer mode activated. On the other hand our grenades are probably the worst of the 3 classes (in my opinion) and we can be killed during our ultimate's verily easily once you learn to counter it. Titans are the tankiest. They are always in the thick of the fight usually with a shotgun or fusion rifle and using their supers to take out a area of enemies or locking down an area with ward of dawn. However they are the slowest class and basically ALWAYS have to stay right in the middle of the fight so they put their selves at risk. Warlocks deal the most damage. They have the strongest grenades and deal the most amount of damage in the area making them big nukers. However they are incredibly squishy and die at the snap of a finger. I think of them as the 3 base classes of a lot of games. Hunter is a rogue class or a hunter class. Rogue being a melee assassin bladedancer and hunter being the range gunslinger. Titan is the warrior. A beefy person in the front lines. Warlock is the mage. Weak defenses but strong abilities.
No class is OP. #thisthreadagain
If we use this logic, every class and sub needs to be nerfed. But! I dont want to criticize without a solution! I learned this very early on. When you see the blue bubble, dont stay there, the titan has the advantage.
Edited by drag0nboss: 10/3/2014 7:03:27 PMI like how people are just either saying "LOL wtf Hunters are OP, not Titans lol" or "wtf Titans are underpowered" Please. Fist of Havoc's AoE is in a SPHERE around the point of impact, meaning you can't jump away to dodge it, and even if you manage to survive the initial hit(becuase you were already jumping away), the DoT or the shockwave will kill you. Good luck trying to kill a Titan in FoH as well, it's the fastest super in the game and cannot be reacted to. The other thing I find to be BS with Titans is the sprinting 1 hit KO punch. Why? why do Titans have this? It is not a super, it is simply a melee and it kills you outright? what? Ward of Dawn is also somewhat annoying becuase not only does it provide a bubble shield for the titan to sit in with his trusty shotgun or waiting to punch you off this mortal coil, it also gives an overshield, so even if you manage to get in and stick the guy he doesn't die and can easily kill you. Sure, there are counters to everything in the game, for example: Arc blade that everyone complains about? Keep your distance and shoot at the guy, or jump before he is able to jump and melee you. Golden gun: Tactically run the -blam!- away and take cover. Nova bomb: er, don't be in the explosion zone when the warlock bursts into the room and nukes the place? Fist of Havoc: ......kill the titan before he gets close? But wait what if you run into each other? hmmm...nope no counter, if he has FoH you're dead. if he has running fist of death, you're dead. I suppose the supers are balanced then; gunslinger is long range, arc blade is close range but very versatile, sunsinger is revive plus defence/infinades, void walker is a nuke, FoH is panic close range death/area denial, ward of dawn is temporary invincibility in a limited area. That said, I do think things like warlock melee giving shield and titan running OHK.O. are a bit much.
Btw, here's a solution. Let everyone only do their super once a match and your set
If anything titans need a Buff an Nerf the Hunters.
I choose non of the above. I play the crucible and think NOTHING is op. Remember only bitches cry.
Just another punk hunter who got shut down by the only class that can keep the blade dancer in check. Man. This is just pathetic.
Lol cry scrubs!!!
I love how whenever someone posts a reasonably valid argument they get nothing but criticism. Let's face it, Titan's are a bit OP in PVP. For all those who think Blade Dancer is OP, I have something to ask. Have you ever heard of a shotgun? Perhaps even a headshot? Probably not, or you wouldn't think that Blade Dancer is obnoxious. As far as Warlocks go, their super is annoying, but if anything they are the only class that needs a buff. (I play a hunter, so any argument stemming from the prior sentence is invalid. I've just watched the overall kills with supers, and quite honestly Warlocks barely get any.) Original Poster has a point with the shoulder charge, being that it's a 'melee' it shouldn't be a one hit kill. But that's just my opinion. As far as the super goes, even after it finishes the ground pound sequence, there are lingering fields of electricity that get kills additionally. I've killed Titans mid super frequently, but more times than not they finish me off after death. Regardless, whining won't solve anything. So should they be nerfed? No, because then something else will get nerfed, and eventually the game will be void of anything effective.
Hunters:[spoiler] -One shot kill all team pistol. -One shot kill knife. -One hit kill blade kill entire team. -One hit kill melee. -Invisible 24/7.[/spoiler] Warlocks:[spoiler] -One shot kill everyone blast. -Very fast melee kill instantly. -Chasing grenades, etc... -Can self-rez. -Is invincible to magic damages. -Can insta-shield when hits you, is invincible.[/spoiler] Titans:[spoiler] -Grenades designed to interrupt/cause fault/block area, can kill if lucky. -FOH is hard to miss, can be killed mid-flight by rockets shotgun etc... -Melee everywhere. -Sticky grenade, etc... -Regen hit melee. -Halo 3 Bubble shield + buffs inside = everyone dies apart from Titan. [/spoiler] Result: Balanced due to OP stuff killing OP stuff. Only unbalance is you not knowing: -Small maps = SHOTGUN, AR. -Mid maps = Fusion Rifles, AR/Any primary. -Large maps = Snipers, any primary, and vehicles. Go get better gear. [spoiler]Stop complaining about the Titans, since they are meant to be the Hammer. You are the Knife, the tomahawk. Warlocks are Bows, because they can kill from afar, and in turn can't be killed (if Sunsinger, has 2 lives).[/spoiler]
There is nothing wrong with how the classes are now. I do fine enough to get me by and no complaints. I am a hunter.. imo the hardest class to use.
Biased poll is biased
I really hope you're joking when you are complaining about the grenades... They are easily the titan's weakest ability.
Dude...everyone says Titans are underpowered. I'm sorry you just got out of a match where a more skilled players so happened to use a Titan. I main a Titan, and it's actually 100x harder to get crazy kill sprees and destroy kids than it is for a hunter. Gtfo, scrub. Let's just nerf everything that kills us, too!
Lel. Check your self before you rek yourself, pleb.
So much salt..need...water.
I'm fine with Ward of Dawn except it's buffs should not kick up until a few seconds later in PvP because otherwise this is yet another -blam!-ing panic ability that grants free kills. It's meant to be a strategic supporting Super, not for panic scrubs. Fist of Havoc though, lmao. Strikers; They have an Arcbolt grenade that stays in an area, has much larger range, and -blam!-ing OHK's - and to top that off they have the world's greatest panic super. Lmao. Titans are OP. So are Hunters. So are Warlocks. Everything is OP. Nice balancing bungie
Titans are supposed to be tanks, hence the name TITAN.
Are you stupid? titans are the most under powerd class in the game the only thing that needs to be nerfed is the warlock and stupid teleporting and shields and shit you dumb ass kid